

Please do not pay attention to this post. I am just a tad too overjoyed that the Indianapolis Colts have finally made it to the Superbowl ! That's right ! Oh the ecstasy ! The ecstasy that only a perpetual loser who finally breaks through can comprehend.
You know that kid ? The kid with the thick glasses who is a whiz at piano but keeps fumbling through his public recital because of serious mental blocks and keeps losing to the cooler kid ? That kid is the Indianapolis Colts.
The classic story of the bullied boy, choking repeatedly and coming through with their best piece at the national academy of music contest. OK, I will shut up now.
So there it is, "Barack Obama's Chicago Bears" against Tony Dungy's Colts and quite frankly, I couldn't be happier ! :)
There will be plenty of football talk on Highway I-65 between Chicago and Indianapolis. Miami, brace yourself for a Midwest Invasion :)

"There is a party going on right here....let's all celebrate and have a good time, it's a celebration ! "


  1. Hello sis,

    There's no Safin or Haas in football but there is this quarterback from New England :). hope that will help you get interested. Perso, I like the cheerleaders better. :)

  2. Shame on me man, Cause I didn't read this post until now :( I just realise that a missed nice post. But I have explication for that, the reason is your first sentence "Please do not pay attention to this post nanani nanana" i've heard it like "olon-dehibe" who say "put it back" or someone who read a letter which is not addressed to him :D

    Anyway ...So now I know that your prefered team is Indiana Colt. isn'it ? Sorry man ,all this time, I thought your team was Chicago bulls, or Indiana Peacers… (unsted of O.M ) i'm kiddin'... U have to list U'r favourite team on basket ball, football, soccer :)

    O.T vidéo is no longer avalaible :(

  3. Hello Hjk,

    Alright, here we go:
    Basketball: Indiana Pacers, Phoenix Suns
    Real football :) OM and Arsenal,
    US football: Indianapolis Colts, New-Orleans Saints :)
