It is unclear whether the article in the New York Times on July 15 entitled: "Aging Gracefully, the French Way" has anything to do with the twitter trend but aging is certainly on a lot of people's mind in the francophone world and they seemingly embrace it openly.
A few newspapers have collected and curated the best of them. Here is an article by Coline Bérard at L' "Twitter c'est pour les vieux", (twitter is for old people in English) and Belgian newspaper Le Soir is currently posting and monitoring a live blogging session about the #Jesuisvieux hashtag on the Cover It Live platform.
According to, #jesuisvieux hash tag made up to 0.03% of tweets worldwide on July 27.
Here are a few tweets that have caught out attention:
From @JocelyneRobert in Montréal, Canada:
On ne brimait pas nos élans sexuels avec la menace des ITS mais avec la menace de l'enfer #jesuisvieille
We did not suppress our libido with the threat of STDs but with the the threat of hell #IamOld
Pierre Côté:
J'ai surfé sur le WWW en utilisant NETSCAPE #jesuisvieux
I surfed the web using Netscape
Anna Gueye from Senegal and La Hague, Holland:
#jesuisvieux il y avait des 1ères classes dans le métro #jesuisvieille
There were first class seats in the metro
slim404 in Tunisia:
Le 7 nov. 1987 j'étais content. Mon père m'a dit : "tu va pas à l'école aujourd'hui, on ne sait jamais" #jesuisvieux
On Nov 7 1987, my dad told me:" You are not going to class today, who knows what can happen.
J'ai vu des ministres démissionner quand ils étaient mis en cause dans des affaires. #jesuisvieux
Ministers actually resigned when they were implicated in scandals
J'ai été amoureuse d'Albator #jesuisvieille
I was in love with Captain Harlock
Je me souviens avoir vu la comète de Halley #jesuisvieux
I remember seeing Halley's comet
Dans ma jeunesse, il n'y avait pas Internet pour que des anonymes qui n'ont pas de vie déversent leur haine et leur mépris. #jesuisvieille
When I was young, There was no internet for no-life anonymous people to pour down their hatred and comtempt
Voler des 33 tours, c'était quand même plus héroïque que télécharger #jesuisvieux
Stealing LP records took more guts than downloading songs
J'ai déjà imprimer un travail de Cégep sur une imprimante a ruban de Commodore 64 a @tremblay96 #jesuisvieux
I did a print job for CEGEP on a Commodore 64 printer in @tremblay96
on est tous le vieux de quelqu'un #jesuisvieux
We all are someone else's elder
Finally Lionel suggests that one of the top contributors to the meme is Global Voices own's Anna Gueye:
L'une des toutes meilleures séries #jesuisvieux #jesuisvieille, au niveau mondial, est, sans conteste, celle d'@annagueye
One of the best #jesuisvieux #jesuisvieille series worldwide is wihtout a doubt @AnnaGueye's
[ Cross-Posted at Global Voices ]
Took me time to read all of the comments, but I really loved the article. It proved to be very useful to me and I am positive to all the commenters right here! It is always good when you can't solely be informed, but additionally engaged! I am sure you had pleasure writing this article. Anyway, in my language, there aren't a lot good supply like this.