
the digital world: can I panic now ? Trouver tout et rien sur le web

Hello my precious !!!! It's been a while since I posted here but it has been a busy week ( or I am just lazy , you choose ). Update on the family: the rakotos have all gone their own ways back to where they came from ( Toulouse/Addis, Tunis and Lafayette ) and leave St-Martin and the patriarchal figure all by his lonesomeself :-(. ( I am poor lonesome cow-boy.... ) Oh well, I can surel think of a couple things more agreeable to do than leave behind Marigot's scenery and the family split but this is how it is and the family has gotten used to be at the 4 corners of the world. Moreover, someone need to punch me in the face for complaining after spending a week on the beach :-) So I will quit whining now but before I let go of the subject here is an exercise in compare and contrast:

Now you understand my point. ( Although we had a great ol' time at Chicago's Xmas market: hot wine, crepes and .....-10 degrees Brrrrrr ! on the left, St Vincent, enough said ).

OK , on to the rant of the day: My roomate and I had a little episode of trying to pull out a spare tire that would just not come out .... ( no wise comments please ) Anyway, we went on all the possible "How to" website available and still came out empty. I forgot to mention that my roomate is the most hi tech savvy person I know since my days in New-Orleans. This got me thinking of how helpful and yet intimidating the digital word is nowdays. My parents come to mind at this point. They really are trying to keep up with all the new stuff but it is daunting task. I personally don't consider myself computer literate enough but I am still miles ahead of them ( sorry pop and mum ).
The truth is, we only learn what we need-to-know so until the opportunity or the task are in front of us...well ignorance is bliss..;-). The problem is , it might be too late to catch up when the need is overwhelming. So they both are trying the hardest in their own way: my dad bought all sorts of gizmos to force himself into learning and my mother surrounds herself with people who can get her out a jam :-). I think it is remarkable and quite endearing to see them trying to entangle themself from all the mess.
So keep on trying, my dear folks because it is a learning-by- doing world after all.

On va essayer de la refaire en francais :-) car le papou s'est senti un peu ostracise par l'utilisation de l'anglais en permanence. Je me suis aussi permis quelques vannes a son insu alors voila une raison de plus pour sortir le dico, O pere (.... illeux) ! Je commentais sur l'effort louable des parents de se lancer dans le monde du digital. Et pour suivre l'adage prefere de ma mere, la conclusion etait: " Apprendre en se faisant" ou encore: "faire et tout en se faisant, se faire et n'etre que ce qu'on s'est fait " Le signification precise de cette phrase m'echappe un peu parfois mais ma foi, je ne pense pas etre trop loin de la cible en traduisant: " Secoue toi et quand tu te lasses, secoue toi deux fois plus !!!! " En malgache cela a donne la phrase inoubliable de mon cousin Daody: " I Tatie Monie forcing foana " !!!!! ( Je pense que la langue magache est san doute l'une des plus parlantes au monde ). Je diverge totalement... Ah oui voici la famille du cousin Daody en photos:

Beau bebe le Kevin :-) A propos de Daody et de technologie, je ne sais tjrs pas envoyer de SMS, alors Daody et autres cousins, ne m'en veuillez pas de ne pas repondre !!!!!
A bientot sur le monde virtuel :-) Je vais aller m'atteler a des choses moins virtuelles comme une bonne entrecote Ha !
PS: sites web interessants du jour: