
Le retour de la panthere rose ( Randi ) via Heathrow :-)

Yeah ! La Randi est enfin sortie de sa torpeur ! Apres avoir promis un petit coucou , elle fut portee disparue pendant quelques semaines et resurgit tel "le phenix de ses cendres" a Londres entrain de bachoter sur son examen d'analyse financiere et statisitiques. On le lui pardonnera avec scepticisme, apparement passer ses examens est plus important que le blog hebdomadaire :-) ! Mais avec la sortie prochaine de Kofi Annan, le dynamisme de Angie Merkel , le bebe de Pitt et Angelina et surtout le marriage prochain des cousins, on attend son grain de sel avec impatience:
Voici en avant premiere son programme dans un email qu'elle a envoye de Heathrow Airport ( endroit magique pour tous les amateurs du film "Love Actually" ):

O ry Vilenie, ( ca c’est moi, no comment :-( )

Je suis en plein cours de stats, avec Wifi et tout et tout. EXP12...I m the


> Je suis gonflee a bloc pour aterrir magistralement sur le blog de la famille

> mais je n'ai pas l'adresse...Rocroa...merci d'envoyer le lien, rapidement.

Section : ROOTS (emotionally loaded articles on personal-family history,

roots, impact of education and non education). Coming up on ROOTS (leity e!) (wenitude totale )

> Welcome home, Kivouzeme: my brother's idea of a blog gave me a shelter. On

> discovering the world: a beautiful one, on your own, a beautiful and happy

> one with your broz.

> Honor your parents: On my father's instruction "Be a citizen of the world"

> quite far from "Miteraha ary mamenoa ny tany". Also include an embarrassing

> confession on my inability to go back home (M/car) .

> Section: AMBODIVOANJO, upclose and personal: a special article on those who

> have made our lives so much better: cousins, friends, boyfriends/girlfriends,

> aunts and uncles (puisqu'il a fait ca toute sa vie), Dede, Marie,

> Rajoly, Geline, Emile, and,of course, ZoBertineBienvenue. Put a box with

> special announcements (weddings, births,fiancailles, concubinage, PAX).

> Section : TENY GASY MADIO (a tribute to Mialy's work ;) funny, neat, trivial

> expressions from our native language. Includes Ambodivoanjo expressions such

> as TETEMI (thanks to Zakamanana we know how to properly describe digestion

> troubles).

> Also learn why, although you might have used it a lot, a heavy load is

> mavesatra and not masevatra.

> Mahay mikabary Could my broz send me his draft 100% teny gasy madio speech

> for Lonie's wedding?

> Section: UNDER THE TREE: on these people we have not met but inspire and

> enlighten our path.

> Marc Aurele

> Martha Nussbaum

> Jean Paul Gaultier

> Krishna

> Section: MISSION STATEMENT: on why I am doing this job, why I will continue

> to do this job, and those who have convinced me that I was on the right

> track. Excerpts from professional life, and achievements, and mistakes, and

> erroneous concepts.

> BOn, aok'izay, ry Vilsdu (encore moi) . Alefaso ilay afera

> Napouf ( ca c'est Randi ou encore bijou)

Voila donc son programme, j'ai rajoute les photos et les commentaires en bleu pour decoder sa prose enocre un peu Da Vinciesque pour l'instant. A tout de suite pour le reste dans la langue de Shakespeare.


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    (Panthere Rose writing from London Campus)
    Hey Broz,
    Merci pour le tapis rouge...desolee pour l'instant, un quizz en stats m'attend...la star fera son entree plus tard, beaucoup plus tard (manuel d'expression usuelle tiree du Gendarme en ballade). En attendant, peut on formatter le texte? Le fond, la forme.

  2. bien sur, formatter comment ? plus grand, plus fort ? tu me dis de le faire moins fort , je te le fais moins fort :-) ( les inconnus, auditions )

  3. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Welcome home, Kivouzeme: my brother's idea of a blog gave me a shelter.

    Tunis, African Development Bank, 19.00.
    This has been of those weeks filled with anxiety and feelings of helplessness. Am I doing the right thing? Am I contributing? Have I been available to my friends? Did I tell my family members I loved them? If Cote d'Ivoire wins the CAN, will this mend, even for a little while the wounds of hatred? ...Brrr...these are moments when you wish life would be simpler and warmer. You wish you could go home and laugh with your brother. Kiss your father. Tell your mother about your whole life. Listen. Share. Stop thinking. Just be.
    One would expect a grown-up, with an international job, a cheerful perspective on the future, a tenacious optimism and sacred fire burning inside would have found a home.
    Well, I must say I am still looking for it.
    Looking back, I realised my brother and I have kept chasing each other. Permanently. In many countries, in a lot of towns. Paris,Toulouse, London, D.C, New Orleans, West Lafayette, Tunis. We chased each other to bring back those wonderful days of togetherness in Tana, where happiness was the only thing we ever took for granted. In 1988, when like any privilidged child of poor countries, I could go and study in Paris, it was time to part, to leave the beloved home, friends, the adored parents and the brother...the soulmate.
    I was 15.5 years-old, I thought I would make it, I thought I was brave.
    Then Parisian loneliness and adversity stroke. I had to admit it, I was not brave enough, and the strength I had felt in my Madagascar days vanished.
    I went back and forth on Air Madagascar GP uneasy seats on Paris Tana 6 times in 1989.
    I was searching for someone who could understand, who could share the pain of being away, who could laugh with me, someone who would know by a look in the eyes that I was riding hard through hardship, but playing it tough. I needed someone who could take away the emotional pain of listening to the soft and distant voice of my father calls, someone who could explain my mother's instructions for succes.
    I wanted to take my brother on those flights back to Paris, to London, to Montevideo.

    Of course, with a little more than 6 years between us, there was no way we could venture in our life journey hands in hands.
    But we were forced to live the rest of our lives apart too soon. Academia and professional well being cost me a lot. As Tonton Coco once said, "if there is one thing I will ever hold Madagascar authorities responsible for, is their inability to keep their children home".
    So I lost home at the age of 16. 19 years later, after numerous trips, appointments in airports, nights in hotels, rent deposits, I was finally finding inner peace by accepting structural loneliness, when my brother went on blogging.
    It was all written there: deep and respectful tribute to our parents, little stories about us, love declaration to "the lady in his life", holiday pictures but also comments on world headlines, racism, poverty, readings, all matters we could not share during our all-too-short yearly encounters in some corner of the world.
    Somehow, in my gipsy life, I feel I have a shelter, a permanent one, where I can see, almost feel my soulmate living: my brother's blog was a warm welcome home. Randiana
