
best of blogs

I have read quite a few blogs since I dived without a parachute in the blogosphere. Some reads have made me laugh, think, reflect or all at the same time. Here goes in no particular order my favs: ( I cannot claim to have read all posts that there is to read. That would be a bit sad he :)? So if you know of some secret gems that you want to share..) :
"Explaining India to Bush" by mosilager: hilarious post, should be done for all countries.
"Malagasy du monde" by Tattum: immense effort to collect all this testimonies.
"Ce n'est pas.. de.. l'hominisme" by Harinjaka: anytime someone can wax poetry about the little general, it's a winner in my book, lots of fun post.
"of wives in ancient Madagascar" by sipakv: history of traditional society, love, marriage and humour: for all taste and a classic.
"Tends la main" by JoGany: beautiful find and beauiful words, you can change the world, one post at a time ;)
"Are you a blogging addict ?" by Cinthia: the follow-up is even funnier :))
"Syndrome de l'orphelin" by Lilia: touching posts and there are many on this space.
"Tu seras un homme" by Marc: personal fave because this poem was stading tall in my dad's office room.
" Fa iza no tena manavakavaka ?" by Jentilisa: a necessary read to understand malagasy society.
"fess-o-metrie" by Mirana via harinjaka via sipakv...(?): love love this post, nuff said :)
" Most sensitive word" by mannmotion: this is a series: the follow-up are just as good.
" 2 europeans idiots" by Superfrenchie: one of many great reads on SF.
"Enfin une bonne nouvelle" by Vola: I and many others had a blast reading this post ;)
"dear dog letter" by Ginga and Boo: for the animal lovers
"impossible love" by Vaomiera: superb posr on love and the music is even better
"a word for the wise" by ani_jane: on the kindness of strangers.
"On beauty and our crtitical culture" by RC: a very thoughtful and original post.
"reconnaissez vous cet endroit ?" by Sandy: this is where it all begun for us. right cousin ?

have a great great week-end !


  1. tut tut, should i be offended that my blog didn't make the best sellers list? Lol, it may be my personal opinion, but i'm quite a fan of it :P

  2. Hey Ani-Jane :)
    1st confession of the day: I only went through your latest posts so I could not pick my fav :). Mea culpa. This list is not exhaustive by any means so there is more to come :).

  3. >harinjaka, ta derniere note etait a mourir de rire. T'inquietes pas pour l' etiquette: 1) on a deja lu et apprecie tes notes sur d'autres sujets :) 2) cela fait preuve d'ouverture d'esprit et de courage que d'ecrire malgre le rsique d'etiquettage.
    "remember what they said about list ? non je rigole :)"
    I cannot seem to get away from the list thing can I :) ?
    "sur ton blog j'ai bien aimé
    ton article sur why we blog"
    oui, je suis jaloux de ma soeur qui ecrit une note sur le blog et tout le monde apprecie. et quand c moi, rien... sniff...lol :).

  4. Tsisy koa :) ! Oy, Mcgyver, ca ne nous rajeunit pas :). "It's such a good vibration...;)"

  5. Hey thanks lova :) maybe I should work on a southern african version... let's see when Bush is going there next. I nominate you as the blog reader with the best taste on the web...

  6. hey mos, you should definitely work on a SA version. Bush is going fishing next, it's august after all ;) maybe we should explain "finding nemo" to him :). Hey I found an easy script for categories on bloggers, yay.

  7. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Lova, thanks for picking me up this way and get me in that list !!! I would never expect it... this makes my day, as I was a bit down and fed up with blogging after my vacation days...
    Thanks again :D

  8. >hello Lilia, I was really moved by your post and I am big believer in the healing power of human connection. I hope you don't stop blogging and keep writing beautiful posts. People may not say it all the time but it can make a big difference in the day.
    > hey blog pal, I like that :). It was a toss up between that one and the ME one. That Primo levi one is just too powerful ;)

  9. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Hey Lova ! That’s a great post. C’est une excellente idée que d’avoir fait une sélection de posts ainsi. J’aime de plus en plus ce type de post, ça permet de faire un tour d’horizon, et on fait confiance à l’auteur sur ses choix de liens. (plus narcissique, j’ai vu le concept répertorié ses propres posts, mais il faut dire qu’il écrit je ne sais combien de posts par jour !) .
    En tout cas, ça repousse les horizons à chaque fois plus loin. Congrats !

  10. merci Tattum,

    C'est le pied pour les surfeurs fou de la blogosphere en ce moment. Plein de posts sympas avec plein d'idees nouvelles. On attend toujours ton timeline sur le global warming avec impatience. Un topo sur l'energie geothermique, tattum please ;) ?

  11. Anonymous11:38 AM

    bon ben autant de compliments ne peut que vous motivez à reprendre la plume !!
    Merci Lova...

  12. >Lilia, je vois que la motivation est revenue. Je vais aller deguster le post sur Toronto :)
