
The Carl Lewis killing of the "star spangled banner" is finally here

I had to write this post because it is one of the few video clips that I spent hours looking for and I know I am not the only one. "Carl Lewis butchering the US anthem" is now part of internet legend and reach the proverbial "pot of gold that no one can seem find" status. The audio clip is available in its entire version. However, it is seen her as part of the ESPN bloppers (betisier). A bit of background on the setting:
Carl Lewis is without a doubt of the greatest track and field athlete of all-time. He is also one the dumbest public figure ever. Worse, he is also pretty full of himself, which prevented him from attaining legend status in the mind of people like Pele, Mohammad Ali or Jesse Owens did. So he convinced someone that he can sing and decided to sing the US national anthem in a basketball game: Bulls vs Nets in 1993. That's when the clip was taken and what you don't see here is Michael Jordan trying is best not to burst out laughing. Priceless, I love the internet for this. The Tv anchor, Charly Steiner, a pretty bright man, completely lost it laughing and frankly I am still laughing my head of everytime I see him laugh and hear the song. The singing can only be decribed as a castrated chicken choking on food and trying to take it out. So here is the clip, the sound bit plus extra bonus: Carl lewis as an actor :) ( check how he only repeats the word of his partner). Carl Lewis will be known from now on as the king of celebrities unintentional comedy. I am in such better mood now ! Thanks Carl :).

complete song
carl lewis acting


  1. >Harinjaka, c'est assez cocasse n'est ce pas ? Merci de rendre visite :) Et dire que ce cher Carl a au moins 8 medailles d'or....
    Je ne suis pas expert en site feed helas ( ou autre outils internet d'ailleurs) mais en fouillant un peu j'ai trouve ceci:
    c'est ce que tu cherches ?
    J'apprecie enormement que tu suives les entrees. Quand je vois ton blog et aussi celui des autres gasy bloggeurs, j'ai un peu honte de la simplicite de mon format..Oh well :)
    >jogany, la fatigue, c'est une fatigue causus festissimo, causus travaillus ou causus insomniaquus :) ? J'espere que le son marche maintenant.

  2. > harinjaka, ne pas pouvoir categorise les posts est un des defauts majeurs de blogspot (sans les tuyaux hacker bien sur). Merci encore de rendre souvent visite ! c'est chouette. A vrai dire, je ne commenterais meme pas sur la plupart de mes posts, trop de delires incomprehensibles :).

  3. Anonymous11:33 AM

    il ne s'est pas fait attrapper pour doping Carl Lewis? ou est ce que c'etait pour qqch comme etat d'ivresse?

  4. sipakv, tu m'as bluffe sur ce coup. Je pense que je passe deja trop de temps a lire les betises sportives mais la j'aurais jure que Lewis etait "propre" si ce n'est un exces de betises.
    Mais apparement, il ne 'est pas vraiment: "However, in 2003 Lewis admitted that he had tested positive three times for banned stimulants during the 1988 Olympic trials. Lewis claimed that he ingested the banned substances by mistake in an "herbal supplement". He was allowed to compete in the Seoul Olympics after the U.S. Olympic Committee ruled that his use of stimulants was "inadvertent" and not performance-enhancing." [wikipedia quote]. Chapeau sipakv ! Mais Stephen Colbert nous a prevenu des approximations de wikipedia ;).

  5. Ne m'en parle pas Jogany, c'est devenu d'un pathetique tout ces dopes. Et pourtant mon cerveau est conditionne a y croire encore et a m'interesser quand je ne devrais pas.
    hey, what are you talking about :) ? You are my blog pal remember ? Where was my blog pal anyway for 2 days ? ;)
    missed u around here though...
