
Canada, here I come.....(with the Fray and the Barkleys)

It is my turn now to take a few days off, away from work and my computer. What am I taking with me ? a pair of old socks, boxers, my old companion (my good old phone),

the secret hope of meeting Canada's finest: Stephen Lewis, Steve Nash and Wayne Gretzky, and my 2 musical obsessions of the moment:
The Fray "how to save a life" (heard on "Grey's anatomy", although "over my head" might be better)
Chorus to sing along:
"Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life"
this is an audio post - click to play

and Gnarls Barkley "crazy":
this is an audio post - click to play

Enjoy your week-end every one, cheers !


  1. on dirait que je suis pas la seule à galérer pour mettre des fichiers audios sous Bloggeur ;)

  2. youhou, j ai 10 min d acces a internet alors j en profite pour donner des nouvelles. Mes bagages se sont perdus en cours de route apparement donc j irai au marriage en calecon et sans "sent-bon" puisque il est maintenant interdit de transporter du liquide en cabine. Tout s annonce bien visiblement. Serieusement, a part cela, les gens sont adorables et on va faire la ville tout a lheure avec les spammeurs de montreal, youhou :) !
    Vola: "galere" est bien le mot pour mettre des fichiers audio sur blogger.... heureusement que Harinjaka est la pour filer les bons tuyaux.
    Harinjaka: Je verifie les coms sur noah de suite....bizarre

  3. hey sorry about your bags... doggies are together at our place, cat is going to ckn's tomorrow... you missed russel peters he's on comedy central right now

  4. Thank you so much for your comments in my blog! I enjoy reading yours daily.

    Say Hi! to Randiana from me please, I have been unable to get hold of her for quite a while now.

    Be well, and keep in touch

  5. hello all, back from thr great wild North. It was very satisfying but very exhausting in many ways; so I may have slight case of "blogger fatigue" :). Be right back soon.

  6. Jogany, rapport ecrit :) un peu trop long peut-etre :) je t'ai envoye par mail le contact que tu m'avais demande.
