
Sleepless (and homeless) in Montreal

Suite des aventures canadiennes du week-end dernier: ayant attendu la valise en vain, je me decide a rejoindre la ceremonie 1h 1/2 avant les festivites. On m'avait dit les cantons de l'est se trouvaient a 106km de Montreal donc je calcules qu'en roulant a une allure soutenue mais raisonnable, je devrais y etre a temps. La limitation de vitesse est de 100km/h sur ce troncon....premier ooops, j'avais fait mon calcul pour une moyenne de 120km/h et je n'avais pas l'intention de commencer les introductions avec la police canadienne avec un PV(encore que leur uniforme rouge est tres exotique). Je me plante une fois de chemin et l'horloge coninue de tourner cruellement sans coeur. Je sais que je raterai le debut et je compte sur un "fitoan' gasy" pour me sauver la mise. J'accelere le pas, au diable la police canadienne !
Arrive dans les cantons de l'Est, changement de decor: la seule maniere de decrire le canton serait de dire que c'est un melange delicat entre Ambatofosty, Annecy et "la petite maison dans la prairie". J'arrive avec 1h de retard (normal pour quelqu'un qui a vu et revu 4 mariages et un enterrement:( ), mais a temps pour apprecier le paysage majestueux, l'echange des anneaux (l'epagneul etait le "ringbearer", just too cute), et voir les nouveaux mariees s'evader momentanement sur un scooter avec "un just married" sur le dos. Je retrouve la famille du marrie que je n'avais pas vu depuis bien longtemps et apres moultes embrassades, on se rend compte qu'on a pas change tant que ca, a part le fait qu'on est plus du tout pareil :). La fete est alors lance: on commence par un "hira gasy" que tout le monde sans exceptions reprend en choeur (les paroles phonetiques aident grandement) et la majorite des invites (canadiens) s'en sortent admirablement (surtout le canon des voix basses du hira gasy). Puis une chanson quebecquoise typique apparement (Ginette) que la marriee et sa dame d'honneur interpretent avec brio. La fete bat son plein quand a 1h30 du matin, je realise que mon vol retour est dans moins de 8h et que je dois encore prendre ma valise a l'hotel. Ce fut court mais bon mais j'aprehende la conduite au retour car il fait bien sombre et on me dit de ralentir si je vois des yeux brilliants de cerfs sur le cote de la route ....OK, ca ne va pas etre de tout repos !
Je reprends la route et m'arretes a mi-chemin pour un cafe, ca serait bete de s'endormir au volant maintenant. Montreal, 3h30 du mat: j'arrive a l'hotel sans me perdre :) et je souris a la dame en lui disant: "j'ai 2h pour dormir, pourriez vous me rendre mes cles et ma valise ?" Elle me regarde effaree et me dit: "on a loue votre chambre a quelqu'un car on croyait que vous ne revendriez plus"
"Mais j'ai deja paye la nuit !"
"desole Monsieur, je peux appeller un hotel a l'aeroport mais ca sera $140 au moins"
Arrrrghh ! Je ne peux decemment pas me facher pour 3 raisons: 1) il est 3h du mat et je suis ereinte
2) c'est de ma faute visiblement
3) son accent est trop drole pour que je m'enerve :).
Je decide de mettre ma valise dans la voiture et de profiter pleinement de ma derniere nuit a Montreal sur La rue Sainte-Catherine. Les "peoples" sortent en masse avec D&G et DKNY a tout va et je me dit que si il ne faisait pas hiver de septembre a Juin, je me verrai bien vivre ici :). Je reviens a la voiture a 5h du mat pour m'assoupir 1h: vieille habitude d'Antaninarenina quand j'allais me coucher dans la voiture devant le "caveau" en attendant que les cousins finissent de danser.
Je passe la douane americaine ou le policier essaye de faire de l'humour en me disant que l'equipe de Purdue va se prendre une raclee par Ohio state University, je suis trop fatigue pour faire semblant de rire mais elle a mon visa en main alors je souris betement. 15h30 j'arrive a la maison, embrasse les chiens et dort jusqu'au lendemain d'une traite. Le week-end est passe comme un songe et je ne suis pas sur d'avoir vraiment passe la frontiere. Un appel me reveille pour me dire que ma valise est enfin arrivee....ce n'etait donc pas un reve.

The blogday 2006 "read this" edition:

Here are my 5 humble suggestions for today:

Dakarzanzibar: Cecile is a very good friend from my New-Orleans days. She and Arnault went to Madagascar earlier this year and are now attempting to cross the African continent by bike from west to east. They took off from Dakar and are now in Gambie. Great people and even greater idea.

The rootless Cosmopolitan: Tony Karon is a senior editor for the Time Magazine. His background and career is as fascinating as his refreshing perpective on global issue. He wrote for the Israeli journal Haaretz and was an activist for ANC until Mandela was released. More importantly, he can address with great expertise and intelligence topics from the Middle East conflict to Madonna and Kaballah via Chelsea football club. I mean, if you know me at all, that is as close to a must read as it gets.

The superficial: If you hate gossip, celebrities and total b*chiness, don't even get close to it. I find it to be an absolutely delightful end of week reading because of its total nonsense humour, sarcasm and comment section. Guilty pleasure indeed.

Russel Peters: Funniest man on the web right now. Russel is the ultimate citizen of the world. He can and will make fun of everyone and every culture and you will love him for it. I hope one day he will include Malagasy people in his routine. People from all backgound here were drawn to tears of joy by his acts.

Amzack: I admit I am a bit of a homer here but why not eh ? Anytime someone can dig out video clip of Mahaleo ( greatest malagasy band ever) from 25 years back and follow-up with clips of funny malagasy comedians, he gets an automatic mention. It's the rule of dwarf hippo blog and I cannot do anything about it :).

blogday technorati

PS: I am almost around my 2nd report on the Montreal W-E....Why is work so time consuming ? :)


why we blog part II: the kindness of strangers, bloggers and long lost family members

Les questions existentielles sur la raison d'etre d'un blog ont souvent ete posees et les reponses sont aussi diverses que multiples:
J'aimerais en rajouter deux : 1) la possibilite de prendre contact avec des personnes inconnues au depart mais qui deviennent des membres de la famille par la suite (famille du blog d'abord, famille tout court si affinite). 2) l'opportunite de reconnecter avec des membres de la famille qu'on a pas revus depuis 15 ans et rire, partager comme si c'etait hier.
Mes aventures Montrealaises du week-end m'ont donne la chance de vivre ces deux evenements en l'espace de 24h qui m'ont fait totalement oublier mes deboires avec les compagnies aeriennes (cf post precedent).
Scenario 1 (inconnu devient moins inconnu): Cela commence par un commentaire qu'on laisse sur un post qui nous intrigue ou nous fait rire. Apres les 1ers echanges de commentaires, on revient rendre visite regulierement puis on commence a trouver un certain comfort, on s'installe comfortablement et (comme on dit vulgairement) on se lache, chache city, nous voila :).
Scenario 2 ( famille perdue de vue): tout demarre par le cousin germain, installe dans le grand Nord, qui rend visite sur le blog "famille" et laisse une missive qui dit: "hey, je me marrie, tu n'es pas loin, ramenes ton facies et on fera la nouba ensemble !"
Le temps de s'organiser un peu pour le temps d'un week-end ( pas de vancances ) et l'aventure qui combine les deux scenarios est en marche.
Pourtant elle commence mal, l'aventure: je perds ma valise a Detroit et me retrouve sans habits pour le marriage. J'hesitais un peu sur la marche a suivre car Northwest Airlines me promettent ma valise au plus tard samedi apres-midi et acheter un nouveau coustume n'etait pas au programme (le marriage commence a 5h). Hummmm, tout en cogitant mes choix, j'ai aussi rendez-vous avec Jogany dans la matinee pour discuter l'art du spam et peut-etre un petit tour guidee de Montreal-la-magnifique (description de Jogany a lire ici). Qu'on se l'avoue ou pas, il est toujours un peu stressant de partir a la rencontre de quelq'un qu'on connait qu'au travers de l'ecran et du clavier. Apres tout, comme le dit Jogany, "il y a toujours une chance non-negligeable de tomber sur un psychopathe". On se reconnait assez facilement quand meme (malgre la grande diversite de Montreal, la probabilite de trouver 2 malgaches au meme moment un samdi matin est assez faible).
Joan:"Salut, Joan",
moi: "lova, non-psychopathe, (jusqu'a nouvel ordre....)"
"Si tu le dis, brunch ?"
"Ca marche."
Brunch au "Robin-des-bois", restaurant tenu par des benevoles a des fins caritatives: tout benefice revient aux sans-abris ainsi que les pourboires. La dame est charmante et le repas tres fin et savoureux. La gentillesse des inconnus semblent monnaie courante ici. Puis, ballade dans la zone pietonne ( Little Italy ?) pour observer les Montrealais au quotidien: rap assourdissant Quebecois en fond musical mais tout le monde a le sourire aux levres, il est vrai qu'il fait un temps superbe. On tackle alors le probleme de la valise qui n'arrive toujours pas. Je commence a serieusement m'enerver car je n'ai qu'un pantalon kacki tache d'encre et ma chemise de la veille. Mon guide/ange-gardien Montrealais prend les choses en main, fonce au departement hommes et attrappe un vendeur pour lui expliquer la situation. 1h apres, le plouck de l'Indiana est plus presentable mais les retouches restent a faire. La situation est assez cocasse: le vendeur faisant son metier, implique la pauvre Joan dans toutes les decisions nous imaginant amis de longue date; heuresement elle s'y prette avec enthousiasme, bonne joueuse. il y a une heure, je la connaissais a peine et maintenant on se donne des "high-five" car on a tout eu a moitie prix (chemise, veste, pantalon) "araroty fa soldes :) ". Dois-je preciser que le processus du shopping me deplait singulierement d'habitude mais que pour une fois, j'ai trouve cela tres amusant et assez surrealiste vu les conditions. On decide de faire une viree sur le vieux Montreal ou je dois aussi rencontrer mes tantes avant le marriage. Le vieux-Montreal au bord du saint-Laurent est tres "gemutlich/cozy" (douillet en francais ?). Apres un petit malentendu sur l'adresse du RDV, on retrouve mes tantes a l'apart de la mariee (magnifique, l'apart et la mariee d'ailleurs). J'avais deja apprecie l'aspect completement bilingue de Montreal (Hello-bonjour semble etre un mot a part entiere )mais c'est de parler une autre langue (le malgache en l'occurence) a plusieurs qui m'a vraiment mis de bonne humeur (pas vraiment l'occasion de le faire dans l'Indiana). Dialogue:
Moi: "Tena manja kosa ny "tantines" aminy ty mariazy ity":)
Ma tante pince-sans-rire: "Raha nanana iraimbilanja aho, dia efa nomeko any ela satria efa mba ny asa mafy ery ela izany" :)
Hilarite generale ! C'est pour ce genre d'atmosphere et de sarcasmes intraduisibles que la culture malgache me manque tant. Mes tantes que j'ai vu la derniere fois en 2001 ne se genent pas pour me vanner et j'apprecie comme jamais. De plus, elles font le forcing pour que Joan vienne au marriage: "aza menatra dry fa fety ny andro !" Joan doit se demander dans quel bourbier elle s'est fourree mais elle semble plutot relax et apres avoir pris conge de nos tantes, elle affirme qu'elle aussi a apprecie l'ambiance chaleureuse du moment. Suite de la ballade, on tombe sur la "fete du Quebec" et les Quebecois en costume d'epoque: les Quebecois sont fier de leur histoire mais ne se prennent jamais trop au serieux, qualite primordiale si il en est une.
Il est temps de finir la visite guidee de Montreal et de se preparer au marriage. J'ai vu l'essentiel de la ville et j'avoue qu'elle m'a plue enormement. Sur le chemin du marriage, je me perds deux fois et les deux fois, je pile devant des pietons abassourdis pour demander mon chemin et leur gentillesse etait telle qu'ils seraient presque monter dans la voiture pour m'indiquer le chemin.
Mon post s'allonge a vue d'oeil alors je m'arrete ici mais le bilan final du week-end est celui-ci: une valise perdue deux fois en 48 heures, , 1200 km parcourus au total, un nouveau costume, un ange-gardien, 2 situations cocasses, un marriage superbe, un coup de foudre pour la ville de Montreal, la generosite de ses habitants et 0h de sommeil. Vous comprennez qu'il fallait que je le partage: et voila une (3eme) raison de plus pour bloguer sans moderation. J'aterris doucement du petit nuage qu' a ete mon week-end a Montreal et je suis intimement persuade qu'un week-end a Paris, Aix, DC, Casa, Calgary, Dakar ou la frontiere Franco-suisse avec des "inconnus" serait tout aussi charmant (les problemes de valises en moins bien sur).
(Zo, marrie et heureux), (Jogany a Montreal)

the aggravation of air travel:

Lately, I found myself hating air travel. It has not always been the case but with time, my palms get "sweatier", each air hole drives me into full panic attack and I always sitted next to the guy who needs 1 and 1/2 seat. A new wrinkle in the process, I also tend to lose my luggage every time I fly. I now lost them 3 times in a row and going to the luggage counter is as routine as going through custom. My last travel, I got my suitcase back at 2 am on new year's day (Happy new year to the driver !). This time, I must have won some Guiness World record of some kind: the same luggage lost twice within 48 hours ! The suitcase was in my possession a grand total of 30 min during 3 days. Which begs the question: Why did I check a non carry-on suitcase in in the 1st place ? A carry-on should suffice for 3 days, right ? Absolutely, except that since the new security regulation about fluids on a plane, we are not allowed to bring any type of bottle into the cabin. So the choices are: either you check in your toothpaste, cologne and shampoo with a luggage as non-carry-on, or you do without and smell like a skunk for 3 days. Cornelian choice but since a wedding is involved, let's try to smell like a human being for once. One old lady in front of me in the custom line was so outraged by the security guy trying to throw away her Dior perfume that she took it from him, stare him in the eyes and pour the rest of the bottle on her without blinking. She did not want to waste the expensive bottle, she said. Whether it is wasted or not is debatable as her neigbhor must wish she just threw the damn thing away. I got my luggage back eventually but I also had to buy a new suit in the process. don't get me wrong, I think security trumps any other priorities but they need to address the luggage issue. Until common sense prevails again, I will drive. End of rant for today. (the trip was awesome otherwise.)


Canada, here I come.....(with the Fray and the Barkleys)

It is my turn now to take a few days off, away from work and my computer. What am I taking with me ? a pair of old socks, boxers, my old companion (my good old phone),

the secret hope of meeting Canada's finest: Stephen Lewis, Steve Nash and Wayne Gretzky, and my 2 musical obsessions of the moment:
The Fray "how to save a life" (heard on "Grey's anatomy", although "over my head" might be better)
Chorus to sing along:
"Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life"
this is an audio post - click to play

and Gnarls Barkley "crazy":
this is an audio post - click to play

Enjoy your week-end every one, cheers !


the "all-things-tennis" edition

To celebrate the start of the US open tnext week, let's talk tennis:
quick notes:
1) the most emailed article fromthe NYT was this piece on Federer. I agree with the article, we are very fortunate to have the chance to witness "greatness in motion" in Roger Federer: his skills has reached such levels that he is reinventing how the game of tennis is being played. We are even mor fortunate that he has got a rival of the quality of Nadal to challenge him to reach new heights. Sadly, Sampras was a bit lonely at the top because Agassi was riddled with inconsistency (made me like him even more).
2) Speaking of Agassi, he will retire after the US OPEN. This is the end of an awesome era in Tennis. Agassi played against Connors and Nadal, talk about bridging the generation gap ! Here is a great tribute to his contribution to tennis.
3) Fun game of US open (www) tennis if you are a tennis fan: The rule: one pick a day, cannot be reused during the tournament. The prize: T-shirts, sweaters and your 15 mins of fame.
4) We have a budding star in Malagasy tennis, Lofo (via Marc). I hope I did not jinx him by predicting a great pro career.
5) I remember watching Noah beat Wilander to win Roland Garros over and over when I was a kid. I cannot believe how crazy the french crowd went when he won. No chance of such reaction nowdays because 1) less passion 2) security will beat up anyone who goes on the court (cf the tragic Seles stabbing ).
6) Amazing Federer shots, just for the heck of it.


Le pouvoir du rire

Les hommes politiques font partie d'un genre particulier d'homo sapiens. Ils essayent d'exprimer ou d'appliquer les voeux et opinions de ceux qu'ils representent tout en ratissant au plus large pour esperer gagner la prochaine election. D'une certaine maniere, ils doivent plaire a un certain public, un peu comme un humouriste se doit de plaire a son audience.
Recemment, le paysage politique americain est en branle-bas le combat car l'echeance (de l'equivalent) des elections legislatives arrive a toute vitesse. Dans la precipitation de la campagne electorale et le desir de rallier les troupes, certains perdent les pedales et font le bonheur des humouristes de l'information. Par exemple:
1) Le senateur George Allen voit un Indien (citoyen americain) du camp adverse le filmer pendant son discours et l'interpelle en criant "Hey, Macaca..ou peu importe ton vrai nom, bienvenue aux USA !" L'episode en a fait tiquer plus d'un (a juste titre) dont un humouriste qui repond pince sans-rire a la question de savoir si c'etait une injure a caractere raciste: " Ca me semble plutot raciste come remarque mais en Virginie, il n'est pas clair si cela va le nuire ou l'aider pour son election."
2) Tramm Hudson, congressman, affirme: "I understand. I know this from my own experience that blacks are not the greatest swimmers, nor may not even know how to swim."
Ben voyons, il est bien connu qu'au "grand fond d'Ambila" toute personne de couleur qui y participe se noie irremediablement. :) Oserai-je vous rappeller que ces personnes "illuminees"font partie de la prestigieuse elite americaine...Mais comme une bonne amie bloggeuse nous l'a rappelle: la betise ne connait pas de frontieres. Ainsi, Chirac nous avait deja gratifie de son fameux discours "le bruit et l'odeur des travailleurs immigres"...bref, nos hommes politiques semblent parfois y mettre du leur pour nous faire rire meme si souvent on ne peut que rire jaune.
Mais il serait stupide de se revolter de la betise ou l'ignorance de ces hommes publiques. Une autre amie bloggeuse m'a dit recemment, la "derision est une force" et cela ne peut etre plus vrai qu'en ce moment. Rire permet non seulement d'exposer au grand jour l'incongruite de certains discours, il permet aussi de relativiser la tragedie de la situation actuelle. Un humouriste black reagit au terme "macaca" en disant:" c'est assez faible comme aggression raciste. Vous savez, je me languis du temps ou le racisme avait plus de zeste, plus d'aplomb. 40 ans de cela, un Senateur disait ouvertement: "aucune armee ne pourra jamais forcer le etats du Sud a ouvrir nos ecoles et nos eglises aux negres." Ca, c'etait un vrai p..n de raciste ! Alors l' insulte "macaca",je dirai: "peut mieux faire". :)
Ce type de reponse sarcastique au possible est pour moi la meilleure reponse a l'imbecilite du racisme de base que l'on voit grandir chez nos chers leaders, avides de recolter des voix au rabais. Vieux Maut en rire :) !!!!


On Mosilager's birthday (coming soon) : let's all give him a toast.

On the 24th (Thursday), it will be my roommate (and long lost twin's) birthday. Don't tell him I said so but I think the world would be a much more dreadful place to live without him (And my monthly rent would also be much steeper but that has nothing to do with my previous assessment...:) ).
So, to help him kiss his younger days goodbye (cf picture above), I invite you to wish him a happy b'day in the language of your choice.
If he receives wishes in more languages than he officially knows (6), then he gets a bottle of liquor of his own choice on me. :) Prosit !
So if you get 30 sec to spare, drop him a wish before Thursday (GMT -5) on his very first post.
Update: the challenge was met with flying colors ! Plus we now have evidence of Mosilager's as Jules right here.
So here is to you:

PS: a few things about Mosilager:
1) he dressed up as Jules (Samuel L. Jackson) in "Pulp Fiction" on Halloween. In honor of that: a sound bite from "Pulp Fiction": "Gunshot* "Oh I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?"
2) He firmly believes that Zambia will win the World Cup in 2010.
3) He knows exactly what you mean when you say: "this wine possesses a flavor of surprising complexity".
4) He believes that Ginga (his dog) and him were united by higher powers.
PS2: GSL will be graduating on the same day. So Congrats GSL ! music please ......


G.W. Bush lit "l'etranger" d' Albert Camus en vacances...

Selon lui, "L'etranger" est un livre interessant et rapide a la lecture ("interesting and a quick read")...apres sa lecture, il a fait une etude comparee sur les origines de l'existantialisme dans "l'etranger" et dans la derniere edition du "journal Mickey". Mais il a des circonstances attenuantes notre ami G.W, l'autre revue a sa disposition pour ses vacances (bien meritees, bien sur ) etait "Marie Claire" en espagnol, alors evidemment le choix de Mickey s'imposait de lui-meme.
Cette information pour le moins suspicieuse (la lecture de Camus en vancances semble etre un coup d'intox pour masquer son manque d'intellect) a inspire une les meilleures notes d'humour sur la tele americaine:

Traduction: "L'etranger de Camus est un classique qui raconte les aventures d'un homme occidental qui tue un arabe sans raison apparente puis meurt sans aucun remords....Pourquoi ce livre l'inspire autant, je ne suis pas trop sur. (sourire sarcastique)..."
C'est a cause de sketch de ce genre que je pense que les Etas-Unis arrivent a survivre le desastre permanent qu'est leur president. Ils doivent une fiere chandelle au Daily Show et Jon Stewart.


week-end funny story: camels in the USA.

It's almost friday and I have a funny story to tell you. If you ever scrached your head at your government's actions, wondering what they could possibly have been thinking that day, this one would make you feel better about your government's decision making.
It is in the aftermath of the Mexican War in 1848 and the US army is trying to find a way to master the Southwestern desert. The thinking is: what animals are suitable for transportation in the desert ? Camels, of course. So why don't we import some here, get a few arabic friends here to teach us how to train them ( how the times have changed ;) ) and use them ourselves ? Pretty good reasoning but it might be a bit difficult to execute. Nevermind that, here is $30,000 for the project: let's get Ali the camel and his ruminant friends in the good ol' USA (quite a lot of money at the time).
So they went from NYC to Tunis on a big ship, the USS supply, to get 33 camels and 5 drivers, among them Hadji Ali later on nicknamed Hi Jolly (Syrian were friends back then and apparently Jolly ). Well, the experiment failed miserably because: 1) The camels were homesick, 2) they were not given legal immigration paperworks 3) camels are stinky, have bad temper and scared the soldiers and the horses. ( FYI, #3 is the real reason: I sure hope it's not always the case for illegal immigration cases, ... )
So what to do with the camels now ? They were doing what they were brought for ( resisiting heat and carrying things) but they were of no use anymore. So the army decided to release the ruminant ones in the wilderness of British Columbia, Canada ( seriously) but they decided to come back in California ( I am not making this up). I believe the meeting between the Camels and the Canadian Grizzlies did not go to well:
Grizzly: "hey you, you look funny. What are you and what are you doing here ?
Camel: Hello my dear furry friend. Fear not, we come in peace, we are looking for the closest oasis.
Grizzly: I don't believe you and you look appetizing in a strange way: guys, dinner is served !"

So that was the end of Ali the camel's american dream. Some believe that there are still a few camels roaming in the californian desert. Until now, we are not sure but this picture may provide a hint of what happended to Ali the camels and his friends ( thanks mosilager):
If you think this story was just a set up for me to post this funny pictures, well you know me too well. ;) ( SportsGuy's phrasing).

read about the camel in the US army experiment here.


D. Mutombo has a big heart

An important piece of news: We knew former NBA player Dikembe Mutombo was very attached to his native Congo. But his latest deed is outstanding. I hope many more successful Africans can follow his lead. $15 millions dollars for hospital....that should help.

enterrement de vie de celibataire

Une collegue a mon amie se marrie dans 2 semaines. Elle et 4 autres de leurs amies ont alors decide d'enterrer de belle maniere sa vie de celibataire. Au programme: tournee des bars de la ville d'Indianapolis puis retour a la maison avec dance-party autour de la piscine, boissons a gogo mais danseurs chippendales non-inclus (evidemment maris et autres concublins n'etaient pas invites a la fete). Bref, mon amie est revenue de cette nuit (orgiaque pour certaines selon ses propres termes) totalement ereintee et avec des piqures de moustiques partout sur le dos. Je devrais etre inquiet mais je ne peux plus rien y a faire (n'est ce pas ?) alors je fais mon cacou ;) et feigne l'indifference. Je demande quand meme si tout s'est bien passe et elle me dit: "la tournee des bars etait sympa et les gens sont plus avenants quand un groupe de filles arrive pour une "bachelorette party" avec un faisceau laser qui permet d'afficher "cute ass" sur le derriere vote le plus plaisant par le groupe."
Une autre cachotterie etait la pipette utilisee pour siroter sa boisson:

(Oui, c'est bien la photo d'une paille avec un embout penien !) Maintenant quand on me dira que l'americaine profonde est puritaine, je rirai doucement sous cape. Les familles des 2 marriees sont pourtant assidument religieuses mais une nuit de "fun" n'est visiblement pas contradictoire avec sa foi.
Je me rappelle du temps ou un enterrement de vie garcon a Tana se resumait a une partie de belote entre amis et du dzama a gogo ;) .
J'avais essaye d'organise une telle fete pour un ami francais qui se marriait ici a Lafayette. Au programme pour les 4 garcons, (1 amerloque, 2 francais et moi) partie de snooker et danseuses exotiques. Les 4 garcons avaient du demander au prealable la permission de minuit a leurs partenaires respectifs qui n'y ont trouve aucun probleme (je me demande si c'etait de la confiance ou juste une sous-estimation flagrante de nos capacites ). Elles avaient raison car apres 5 min tres imcomfortables passe dans une boite assez glauque, nous partimes en courant quand une fille nous proposa un lap dance. Mais la rigolade dans le parking apres coup en valait la peine :). Apparement maintenant, les filles ont plus d'assurance et plus de fun dans des domaines qui etaient auparavant exclusivement l'apanage des hommes. O tempora, O mores ! :)

PS: aucun de mes amis n'ont reussi pour l'instant a passer l'obstacle psychologique de boire avec la "pipette magique". Voici le T-shirt standard de l'etudiant festif a Purdue:


"love actually" passed the test....

I am feeling a bit lousy today, probably just a monday thing. Then today, I came across 2 unrelated posts, here (via madagascar ID) and here, that both mentioned "love actually".Which led me to the the best "pick-me-up" ever: "love actually"'s opening scene at Heathrow airport. (and to think that the same place was the target of terrorist acts again a week ago...) The second best scene is Hugh Grant using the "Beckham's right foot" analogy to stand up to the american prez.

(via Jmalinho)
The truth is, I did watch that movie 3 or 4 times (6 or 7 times is probably closer to the truth) and I refuse to apologize for it. What can I say ? there is an awesome cast of actors, a sweet soundtrack and superb writing all around. Despite what people may think, I do not suffer from a case of major gonad shrinkage, the film has just reached classic status in my opinion because it passed the "rewatchability test" with flying colors. What other movies have passed the "rewatchability test" without being an academy awards winning film ? "Last of the mohicans", "Shawshank redemption", "the magnificent seven", "a few good men" and of course "Top Gun" ( if you are a male between 25-40 and you claim to have not watched "top gun" multiple times, you are in serious denial). What other "non-oscar" movie do you think can make the list ?


Africa: just a hot "hollywood" trend ?

It seems that every time we turn, a celebrity traveled to Africa to raise awareness about the plight of the continent. Let's review where the latest celebrities traveled to:
Angelina Jolie-Pitt in Namibia.
Alyssa Milano in Angola.
Ashley Judd in Madagascar.
Bono in Tanzania.
Clay Aiken in Uganda. (!)
Charlize Theron in Botswana.
Chris Martin-Gwyneth Palthrow in Ghana.
Don Cheadle in Rwanda.
George Clooney in Sudan.
Jay-Z and Beyonce Knowles in S. Africa.
Jessica Simpson and Lindsay Lohan in Kenya (to come ?).
Lucy Liu in lesotho.
Madonna in malawi (to come).
Matt Damon in Zambia.
Melinda and Bill Gates in Senegal.
Natalia Imbruglia in Ethiopia. (and much more...)
OK, you get the point: Africa is the new Bahamas. It's getting increasingly difficult to name an african country that has not been visited by a celebrity. Quite a change from 10 years ago, I would say. Of course, there are plenty of critics for this sudden intetrest in the plight of Africa from the hollywood folks ( for example: PR (Public Relation) moves, guilt from having too much, ineffectivenessof the aid, no follow-up...) and the danger that the interest might be fading when the lights go down.
So will it last and why Africa ? Here are a few interesting points by an article in the new York Times about the rising interest in the US in helping Africa.
"We had this sudden awareness that there were all these people out there who hated us, and we needed people who, as far as we know, don’t hate us, and are in great need and we can help,” Professor Easterly said. “It’s the perfect meeting of needs — an intersection where we need Africa and Africa needs us.” [...]
"To build a hospital, the tangible evidence of where your money is going is very satisfying,’’ said Susan Konig, an organizer of the event. She added, “It was not some amorphous thing, but a tangible cinderblock building where in Tanzania people can get their eyes checked, receive AIDS medication, they can get pregnancy care.’’ [...]“They want,” Dr. Ellis said, to “have a sense of ‘we’ve left something, we’ve done something.’
Africa is one way celebrities can transform an unprecedented level of scrutiny into their lives into something productive.And for many, at a time when the United States is divided into red and blue, for and against, cease-fire and bombs away, the seemingly unambiguous nature of Africa’s needs can be unifying.
Final words by Mia Farrow: "there are certain inactions that are inexcusable. You’ve got to stand with what you believe in. I just wish I could be more famous, or more powerful, so that my voice would carry further when I speak about Darfur.”
It will be interesting to folow how it will all play out. I think it will last longer than the article predicts:"“Just like a trendy restaurant lasts 18 month, so will interest in Africa.”But the slow pace of concrete change and sometimes helplessness will eventually defeat most donators.


Expressions imagees

Les expressions imagees donnent souvent de la saveur a une langue et la langue malgache n'en manque certainement pas. Pourtant souvent ceux sont ces meme expressions idiomatiques nous posent probleme lors de l'apprentissage d'une nouvelle langue. Alors voici mes preferees a la sauce hollywoodienne (c'est plus drole ainsi, n'est ce pas ?):

evenement: Tom cruise qui sautille sur le sofa d'Oprah Winfrey
-il a une araignee au plafond
-he went bonkers
-alefaso any aminy km 18

evenement: Mel Gibson qui insulte la communaute juive apres avoir trop bu:
-torchon carpete
-dazed and confused
-tsy nataty choka (toaka)

evenement: Le marriage de Britney est au bord du gouffre:
-de l'eau dans le gaz
-the marriage has "jumped the shark".
- aho ny tranony

evenement: la copine de Tony Parker ou de B. Pitt (au choix) :)
-drop-dead gorgeous
- mandispika

Ca c'est une expression de mon pere. Moi je ne connaissais pas ;). A vous de faire mumuse !


why we should be thankful for our philosophy classes in high school...

When I came in the US for my 1st year of college, I obviously was concerned about my level of english, whether I would be able to fit in with my classmates and whether I would have the expected level in the other required subjects. My english was acceptable although my oral skills were mediocre; the "fitting-in" part was spotty at times; however there was not much worry for too long about whether I had the expected level in the other subjects. The expectations on a 1st year entry college student in a decent university are (IMO) rather low in world history, political science, calculus and foreign language. I wasn't complaining though, it gave time to work on the "fitting-in" part :). But don't take my word for it, instead listen to this teacher of world litterature in Pennsylvania. She argues that the negligence of subjects of "culture generale" (liberal arts) in US college allows for the gouvernment to abuse the concept of democracy. Here are extracts of her argument:
"The question my experiences in the classroom raise is why have these young people been educated to such abysmal depths of ignorance [..]Geography, history, philosophy, and political science - all missing from their preparation. I realize that my students are, in fact, the oppressed, as Paulo Freire's "The Pedagogy of the Oppressed" pointed out, and that they are paying for their own oppression. [..]
Meanwhile, this expensive stupidity facilitates US funding of the bloody work of death squads, juntas, and terror regimes abroad. It permits the war we are waging - an unfair, illegal, unjust, illogical, and expensive war, which announces to the world the failure of our intelligence and, by the way, the creeping weakness of our economic system. Every man, woman, and child killed by a bomb, bullet, famine, or polluted water is a murder - and a war crime. And it signals the impotence of American education to produce brains equipped with the bare necessities for democratic survival: analyzing and asking questions.[..] I don't think serious education is possible in America. Anything you touch in the annals of knowledge is a foe of this system of commerce and profit, run amok [..] in the rapacity that the industrial revolution created, people first surrendered their minds or the capacity to reason, then their hearts or the capacity to empathize, until all that was left of the original human equipment was the senses or their selfish demands for gratification.[...]"
You can argue that she is pushing the enveloppe to a certain extreme but she sure does make a lot of sense on several points. The argument "ignorance permits war waging" is quite compelling. She also quote Goebbels" when I hear the word culture, I reach for my revolver" ( I think it was actually Goring who said so). Anyway, her article made me thankful for "classe de philo" in terminale (senior high school) even though I totally bombed my philo exam "au bac" ;). Here is the complete essay.

Randiana:le retour ( a Singapour)

Ma soeur est revenue tel le fils prodige :). Echappant au control du big brother Tunisien (car a Singapour ) elle declame sur nos racines asiatiques, les titres des journaux malgaches 20 ans de cela, l'ESCA et le fiahavanana ( ca part dans tout les sens, c'est pour cela que c'est ma soeur ! ):
"Nisidina ambany ny voromailala" (litt: les colombes ont vole bien bas)C'etait le titre d'un journal lu, sans etre achete, comme ces centaines
de travailleurs tous les matins, agglutines autour du vendeur de
journaux, qui tient ses unes bien lisiblement,placide et genereux, au
tournant du cinema REX, il y a 20 ans.
Vilenie, ton blog a l'air de me faire revivre de savoureuses bribes de
l'ancienne Tana, celle que j'ai emportee dans mes bagages un jour
d'Aout 88. Je viens (enfin) me reconnecter ,ou plutot m'abriter, au
blog Rakoto's rants, apres un long voyage, et c'est depuis Singapour
que je lis ton post sur cette part d'Afrique et d'Asie qu'il y a en
chaque malgache. Decouverte pleine d'emotions: a Singapour, ce qui
compte, c'est le fihavanana. Fihavanana anie, fihavanana anie, ohan'ny
olona tsara tsy taza-maso ety! (ceux qui ont frequente la chapelle de
l'ESCA se reconnaitront et se souviendront de la chaine de petits
doigts qui nous reliait les uns aux autres!). Respect interculturel,
dialogues interconfessionnels: ici, un confuceen est fier de montrer un
temple hindu ici, une mosquee par la, une synagogue la-bas. Etre fier de sa diversite, la brandir comme un etendard, comme d'autres
brandissent leurs armes et leur haine. Quelque soit le verdict ADN,
j'espere avoir et retenir cette partie de l'Asie: celle qui fait que je
grandis au contact de l'autre, et que, par cet etrange procede, je sois
a la fois pleinement moi-meme et fierement cet autre.


"nipplegate": deja vu all over again

So apparently a woman nursing her baby is offensive and should be banned from our innocent naive eyes..... seriously ? I mean, come on ! Is there anything more beautiful or natural than a mother caring for her child ? How this is even an issue is beyond me. I think my mother must be pulling her hair off somewhere.

Of course, there is nothing happening in the world right now that we should be upset about (no wars, famine or unbearable heat) nothing, nada. No, a harmless chest with a baby on a magazine cover is really unacceptable and we should alert the committe of elders promptly.
And who cares if the outrage could shy women away from breastfeeding when it is actually beneficial for both the baby and the mother when possible ? I say collateral damage in comparison to the preservation of our precious innocence.
It is funny how this issue is never brought up back home though. Maybe because it really should not matter...?

On the other hand, maybe they are right; maybe something should be done because if we do not stop this now, who knows what will happen next ? Maybe some hollywood celebrity might go ahead and pose totally nude...while pregnant ! It's a slippery slope you know.
Oh, it's already been done ? I am outraged ! .......anyone knows a link for that picture by any chance ? you know, so I can get even more outraged...;)

PS: This was the perfect excuse to write "deja vu all over again" :) (cf Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction).


I will now quit my day job ... maybe not ;)

Apparently this is what this blog is worth:

My blog is worth $12,984.42.
How much is your blog worth?

I personally think my blog is priceless...as in I would not pay a penny for it :)
If you want to know how much other blogs are worth according to AOL/weblog Inc., here is a compilation of a few expensive blogs (for instance, Mark Cuban's blog, owner of the Dallas Maverick is worth between 1 and 1.7 millions dollars ). So keep blogging friends, Who knows ? You might end up owning a NBA team one day :).

update: the answer to the "6 degree of separation between Clooney and Tana" game is:
1) G.Clooney and B. Pitt in "ocean's 11".
2) B.Pitt and M. Freeman in "Se7en".
3) M. Freeman and A. Judd in "kiss the girls ".
4) A. Judd and Antananarivo for the documentary "YouthAIDS" for Golobalfund.com
(you almost got it, JoGany !)


best of blogs

I have read quite a few blogs since I dived without a parachute in the blogosphere. Some reads have made me laugh, think, reflect or all at the same time. Here goes in no particular order my favs: ( I cannot claim to have read all posts that there is to read. That would be a bit sad he :)? So if you know of some secret gems that you want to share..) :
"Explaining India to Bush" by mosilager: hilarious post, should be done for all countries.
"Malagasy du monde" by Tattum: immense effort to collect all this testimonies.
"Ce n'est pas.. de.. l'hominisme" by Harinjaka: anytime someone can wax poetry about the little general, it's a winner in my book, lots of fun post.
"of wives in ancient Madagascar" by sipakv: history of traditional society, love, marriage and humour: for all taste and a classic.
"Tends la main" by JoGany: beautiful find and beauiful words, you can change the world, one post at a time ;)
"Are you a blogging addict ?" by Cinthia: the follow-up is even funnier :))
"Syndrome de l'orphelin" by Lilia: touching posts and there are many on this space.
"Tu seras un homme" by Marc: personal fave because this poem was stading tall in my dad's office room.
" Fa iza no tena manavakavaka ?" by Jentilisa: a necessary read to understand malagasy society.
"fess-o-metrie" by Mirana via harinjaka via sipakv...(?): love love this post, nuff said :)
" Most sensitive word" by mannmotion: this is a series: the follow-up are just as good.
" 2 europeans idiots" by Superfrenchie: one of many great reads on SF.
"Enfin une bonne nouvelle" by Vola: I and many others had a blast reading this post ;)
"dear dog letter" by Ginga and Boo: for the animal lovers
"impossible love" by Vaomiera: superb posr on love and the music is even better
"a word for the wise" by ani_jane: on the kindness of strangers.
"On beauty and our crtitical culture" by RC: a very thoughtful and original post.
"reconnaissez vous cet endroit ?" by Sandy: this is where it all begun for us. right cousin ?

have a great great week-end !


The Carl Lewis killing of the "star spangled banner" is finally here

I had to write this post because it is one of the few video clips that I spent hours looking for and I know I am not the only one. "Carl Lewis butchering the US anthem" is now part of internet legend and reach the proverbial "pot of gold that no one can seem find" status. The audio clip is available in its entire version. However, it is seen her as part of the ESPN bloppers (betisier). A bit of background on the setting:
Carl Lewis is without a doubt of the greatest track and field athlete of all-time. He is also one the dumbest public figure ever. Worse, he is also pretty full of himself, which prevented him from attaining legend status in the mind of people like Pele, Mohammad Ali or Jesse Owens did. So he convinced someone that he can sing and decided to sing the US national anthem in a basketball game: Bulls vs Nets in 1993. That's when the clip was taken and what you don't see here is Michael Jordan trying is best not to burst out laughing. Priceless, I love the internet for this. The Tv anchor, Charly Steiner, a pretty bright man, completely lost it laughing and frankly I am still laughing my head of everytime I see him laugh and hear the song. The singing can only be decribed as a castrated chicken choking on food and trying to take it out. So here is the clip, the sound bit plus extra bonus: Carl lewis as an actor :) ( check how he only repeats the word of his partner). Carl Lewis will be known from now on as the king of celebrities unintentional comedy. I am in such better mood now ! Thanks Carl :).

complete song
carl lewis acting

6 degrees of separation between George Clooney and Antananarivo

It's time for a non-sense, gossip-loaded post as the week-end approachs. This game consists of relating two entities that are seemingly non-related (here Clooney and Madagascar) in less than 6 conections. Here is an example taken from the man whose name is linked to the 6 degrees game: "Kevin Bacon":
* Shortest Path from JFK to Bacon (A)
1. John F. Kennedy was in Zapruder Film of Kennedy Assassination (1963) with Jean Hill
2. Jean Hill was in Beyond 'JFK': The Question of Conspiracy (1992) with Gary Oldman
3. Gary Oldman was in Murder in the First (1995) with Kevin Bacon.

Easy enough heh ? Usually the "steps" are made of other actors only but we can change the rules a bit, can't we ?
So anyone can link "Fabulous George" to Antananarivo in "6 steps or less" ?
Hint 1: the (bad) movie featuring this song ( which is perfect for a relaxing week-end with red wine ) and Clooney can get you started.
Hint 2: Revising the "cardinal sins" can help.

this is an audio post - click to play

PS: apologies for the quality of the "L'apputemento" audio file. I will try to do better next time :)
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AR Ratsimamanga: a renaissance man

For Malagasy, AR Ratsimamanga is the benchmark for success and a life well lived. He was chosen as the malagasy man of the century which tells you that my high opinion of him is not tainted by my scientific biais. For my fellow scientists here in Lafayette, that's 122 publications on topics ranging from the function of the adrenal gland to natural remedies for diabetes. Obviously his scientific career is just 1/2 of the story. Here in French is a description of his contribution to the independent movement of Madagascar:
"Accompagnant la délégation malgache pour l'Exposition Coloniale de 1930 [..] Intégré dès son arrivée dans le milieu des étudiants patriotes, il se fait des amis comme Prosper Rajaobelina, Hermann Ravelomanana, Maurice Rajaofera et bien d'autres dont le principal souci était de construire les bases théoriques de l'indépendance de Madagascar. Avec eux, Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga fonde l'Association des Etudiants d'Origine Malgache (AEOM) où se formeront la majorité des militants pour le renouveau de Madagascar en France et qui seront toujours, être un creuset des échanges de nouvelles, d'idées, d'actions d'une diaspora dynamique."
However, his most outstanding contribution resides in his ability to reconcile excellent scientific work with the necessities and limitations of his homeland.
"Les produits ne doivent pas seulement aider mais doivent aussi être à la portée de toute la population. A cet effet, Ratsimamanga a renoncé à toutes formes d'emballages colorés. Un produit contre le rhume est mis directement dans des flacons recyclés d'injection. On pratique cette sorte de recyclage en raison de l'absence d'industrie de verre à Madagascar et qui, importés coûteraient très chers. Ratsimamanga préfère travailler avec beaucoup de personnes et créer ainsi une main d'ouvre nombreuse plutôt que d'utiliser des machines coûteuses. C'est pourquoi, il refuse la haute technologie des japonais qui voudraient bien travailler avec lui". Summary in English: "products need to cure but also be affordable. No fancy wrap on the bottle. More workers, less expensive machines."
Finally a quote from him that I may just put in bold in my office:
"Nous devons avancer à rythme" dit-il pour finir, "nous devons avant tout avoir confiance en nous-mêmes et dans les vertus thérapeutiques de la nature. Car la nature et l'homme ne font qu'un". (We need to proceed at our own pace, we need to trust ourselves and the virtues of nature. Nature and man are all one on earth.)
complete article here.