
New-Orleans will not be forgotten. Wilkomen, Die Familie !

(Voodoo, tiga, haiti)

(Karl and Lalao inNew-Orleans)

( Mirana et Lone on riverwalk)

it is Mardi-Gras season and New-Orleans is trying its hardest to bounce back from Katrina and the mismanagment of the crisis by FEMA, the state of Louisianna and the Bush Administration in general. Attendance is a bit lesser but it was expected. The courage that volunteers and victims during those trying time were displaying was beyond words. Yet, the failure of the government made a terrible tragedy even worse. Now that the focus is not on the region anymore and the victims are left alone to rebuild, I want to give a shoutout to the city. My 4 years down in the bayou (Tulane University) were some of the best years of my life. New-Orleans will always be my home away from home therefore it will never be forgotten on this webspace. I had the chance to welcome many of my family there as you can see from the pictures. N-O's voodoo heritage is extending all the way to Haiti (see pics) and their exhuberant artists (Tiga). This government might think that they can get away with letting N-O slowly drown now that Katrina is history but N-O is more resilient than that. I know It is alive and well in people's memories in Madagascar, Ethiopia, Bad Kreuznach and Toulouse. Check out the effort of U2's guitarist The Edge to revive Jazz in the Big Easy.

Thank you Sandy for spreading the word about my blog to the family ( especially in Germany) and to Tattum for the kind word about the blog. Long live New-Orleans !
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Congratulations on your engagement Loni !!!!

My cousin Andry Rarivoson ( Loni) just got engaged to his beautiful mate Vola. Here is wishing him all the best for his new journey, cheers !!!! Well between, babies and weddings lately, maybe 2006 will turn out to be a great year after all. More pics courtesy of the elder brother Sandy on the "famille du monde" blog.

Olympic spirit.

Being Malagasy, the exposure to the winter games was minimum and as a result, the interest in the event somewhat close to zero. However, after trying my hand at skiing, I found a new respect for the athletes. The monetary pay-off is certainly lesser than in any other professional sports yet the necessary effort to win cannot be less than maximum. From that perspective, the winter olympics is probably closer to the spirit from which it was born. A few stories come to mind, of course our first athlete particpated in the alpine slalom and G-slalom ( G stands for Giant, I would so not care for any of this if it were not for him). He finished 39th with a time of 3:06:43 in the G-Slalom. Well, I say that's not too shabby for a first time.
Another nice story was that of frenchwoman Carole Montillet-Carles. She is a former gold winner but in Turino, she crashed pretty badly resulting in injuries to her back , ribs and face ( her googles smashed into her face and left nasty cuts and a swollen purple cheeks ). Yet, she jumped right back up and finished her second try, knowing that she had no chances at getting a medal. She just would not NOT participate in the event to honor her sport. Classy and courageous indeed. The truth is there are probably more stories such as that one which makes the olympics quite unique. That is just the only one I came across. So next time you see Justine Henin retiring for upset stomach in a grand slam final or Artest taking a few days off to promote a CD, remember that it does not have to be that way. ( If I sound bitter, it's because I think that Henin and Artest are actually great athletes, they just blew it on those occasions).


Bono nominated for Nobel prize ! Congratulations Maryline and Cedric

You know I had to talk about this: Bono nominated as a nobel prize candidate !!! I am thrilled of course as he is just the most talked about subject of this blog. I already went on and on about why U2 is the most relevant musical performers ever( political activity, great sound ). However, this nomination inspires two immediate thoughts: the problem of global poverty is urgent, relevant to everyone and most importantly "fixable". The solution will not come right away but Bono and especially Bob Geldof ( ther nominee )are willing to propose solutions. That is the most we can ask for right now. The second thought is that the world is in dire need of leaders when musicians and entertainers are showing the way. How low did we get when no one else really stand out ? Who else really ? The US current adminstration is beyond ridiculous, ( What will it take for G.W to be impeached ? Someone please give Monica a call !) and th rest of the world is not really picking up the slack. So I am happy for Bono and Geldof but sad for the world. Sunday Bloody sunday indeed !

My colleague here received their bundle of joy: a little boy named Baptiste. The miracle of life never ceases to amaze me. We have got to make sure that our legacy to our children is a better earth, a clean environment that will allow them to grow healthy and happy. I am super happy for the parents who are thrilled and deserving of this gift. On a personal level, I still favor adoption if I were to go that rout but to everyone their choices.

Joyeux Anniversaire mirou ! Quote of the day

My sister drew inspiration from the thoughts of N.Branden to write a nice piece on my mother's birthday. The following is what she wrote in French, a loose translation in english and finally a direct quote from Branden.
"Ce n’est pas le besoin d’éviter la peur ou la souffrance qui mène la vie des grands de ce monde. C’est plutôt la force de vie qui existe en eux, qui prend forme sous son unique expression: l’accomplissement de leurs valeurs personnelles.”
Nathaniel Branden
Nous avons emprunté à un plus lettré que nous ces mots pour décrire ton oeuvre et ton empreinte: tu nous montres un peu plus chaque jour que c’est la force de vie, et non la peur de la mort; la foi chevillée au corps et non la prudence de la raison, et enfin, et surtout, la grâce et non l’amour de soi, qui soigne un enfant, fait revivre sa mère, change un peu le monde".

"The driving force of great women/men of this world is not their need to escape fear or pain. it's rather the will to live that lies within, that takes shape in its unique expression: The accomplishment of personal values. N. Branden

We borrowed the words of a wise man to describe your work and your legacy. You showed us that it is the will to live and not the fear of dying, the unreasonable belief and not the prudent reason, and most importantly, the graceful selflessness that heal the child, rejoice her mother and change the world".

Branden: " Persons of high self-esteem are not driven to make themselves superior to others; they do not seek to prove their value by measuring themselves against a comparative standard. Their joy is being who they are, not in being better than someone else."

Have a great week-end !

PS: I banged my head on the basket-ball court last night so I apologize if some of this does not make sense.


" Aza mizesta, fa tsy lany commerce ": malagasy saying for "Don't be an a..and celebrate prematurely ! "

Malagasy people in general are known to be pretty low-key and laidback. As all generalities go, it is often wrong; there are as many loud jacka...back home as anywhere else in he world. Still, our proverbs and sayings generally focus on the importance of being patient, laying low and NOT taunt your own horn.
Very important for good ol' malagasy dudes !
Well, after living in the US for a while now, I got used to the fact that "being subdued" is really not a sought-after quality. If you aspire to do something of your life, you should say it loud and do what's necessary to attain your goals. In the words of Michael Douglas in Wall Street: "Greed is good" therefore it's recommended to proclaim during a job interview that you are the second coming of Zeus. ( I am kidding, Apollo will suffice).
Two different cultures, two different philosophies and quite frankly, I see the benefits of both perspectives.
On one hand, if you are too bashful or lack the self-confidence/drive to go after your dreams, they probably won't come anywhere near you. On the other hand, there is an exquisite equilibrium with your environment that come from minding your own business and laying low. Your quality of life is also greatly heightened by being considerate enough of your surroundings. There really is no need to cause unwarranted aggravation to anyone by reminding them how you are "all that and a bag of chips".
I am discussing all this because yesterday I was caught in an embarassing situation that the old me of 10 years ago would have laughed to no end. It was a rather meaningless basketball game between the 1st year students and the older guys at the University.
The game was close but I lost track of the exact score ( we were -2 with 10s. left). The strategy was to put up an early shot to have a chance to for a second try. We missed but I tip to a girl-teammate who drills the shot with 4s left. When the horn sounds, I lift my arms in the air, overjoiced over a hard-fought win. Or was it ? It turns out the game was tied and we were heading to overtime. OOOPS ! This explained why my teamates were rather subdued after the final buzz and embraced me with a weird look that said:" is he excited that we go to overtime or did he just found out that his tax refunds will exceed his paycheck ?". Anyway, we eventually lost which made my celebration even more foolish.
Ironically, a show on Tv listed the same night the most premature celebrations in sports history, ranging from the " the Band is on the field"- Cal-Stanford football game to Leon Lett dancing his way into the endzone only to be caught by some skinny guy and losing the ball ( see pics).
I am now part of sports infamous history, mazeltov !
The worst part is that this whole thing feels like bad karma. At 15, I was a skinny kid from Tana who thought that he could compete with the Malagasy from Paris in a tennis tournament in the county of Antony ( 15min from downtown Paris). The level of competition was pretty high as the prize -money was decent and the crowd rather dense, (a "who's who" of bored parisian/malagasy folks if you will). I crawled my way to the final by playing "small ball" where a cocky 19 year old was waiting for me after destroying his previous opponents. After the warm-up, I heard him tell his entourage: " I hope you put the champagne on ice " with a silly grin. I did not feel like I had a good chance prior to the game because he had a huge serve and powerful grounstrokes whereas my game was akin to Santoro on valium: I just hoped for a miss from my opponent. After hearing his lucid but disrespectful remarks, I vow, not to kick his ass because he was still clearly better than me, but to make him earn every inches on the court. I was so focused that I not only did not miss a ball but somehow outplayed him ( I still don't know how ) for a final score of 6/1 6/1. The best part was to see him self-destruct progressively during the game, confused as to how this skinny teenager could even stay with him. He ended up yelling at his mother and girlfriend on the side : "faites moi pas chier maintenant !" (don't piss me off now) and broke his $200 racquet. My uncle Parany, the only one on my side in the crowd, was smiling contently but we both did not say a word as we both knew how sweet this one was.
10 years later, I am the butt of the joke in basketball but at least I had a good laugh with my teammates afterwards as oppose to my tennis foe who probably ended up giving up tennis altogether. I hope you mildy enjoyed that little story of teenager Lova coming to the big city.

Before I go, I want to say a few important words: Happy Birthday to GSL (yesterday), my mother (24th), Baby Plachot ( same ) !!!!! February seems to be a good month. Thoughts and best wishes to my baby's labmate who is having a very tough time. Hope things turn out well soon.
Boy that was a long post ! I need to kill blogger and get a life !


Outrage over the plight of Africa. Lillicub as comfort

this is an audio post - click to play

Today I want to start with a happy memory because the news are rather depressing. The song above (voyage en italie, lillicub) is so underrated and yet so joyful. It is a nice blend of jazz and pop, the french equivalent of the Shins ( Garden State soundtrack) if you will. More importantly it brings me back to a road trip I took with my sis.( not to Italy as the song states but to the suburbs of Paris...the destination is not as glamorous but the weather was gorgeous and my sister was delighted by the normand cow sightings..good times all around).

On a much sadder note, The backpages of newspapers made note of the terrible state of some regions of East Africa (drought, starvation, potentially 11 millions of famished people). This tragedy makes the support of the food and health programs in the region even more crucial. It is unacceptable that such news are ow taken for granted and deemed unworthy of our attention. It may not be surprising news but it still demands our outrage and our anger.
Better yet than anger or compassion, a more effective approach is the one taken by the goodwill volunteers who travel around the globe to correct the unjustice themselves. Gary Sinise (lieutenant Dan of the "Forrest Gump" movie) transports books and pencils in Iraqi and
Afghan elementary schools. "Operation smile" of Medecins sans Frontieres or "doctors without borders" reaches the isolated regions of Niger to provide basic plastic surgeries to burn victims ( shameless plug at my dad's work back then see pics. ).
I,on the other hand, just bark on my blog like a mad dog. Nobody's perfect :-( !


H5N1 avian flu and Nick Lachey taking a stand for his manhood

This Birdflu epidemic is officially creepy. The pattern and pace at which it is spreading are straight out of those "jaws" horror movies. You know it's there , you hear the scary music but you cannot do anything to prevent the next casualty. It is not because of a lack of effort from our public health monitors though; in fact, solving this issue is turning out to be far more complicated than expected ( potential mutations, vehicle, vaccines). I just hope my virologist friends will come up with a solution before the shark turns into a massive killer whales posse. (for the record, I work on ONE protein in the hepatitis B virus genome therefore I am not much of a help on this matter. My friends are a lot more knowledgeable on the process of infection and replication, but it seems that this H5N1 guy is a headscratcher eitherway).
On a much more serious matter, Nick Lachey asked his ex-wife for financial support after their divorce. That 's just rich ! So Nicky boy decided that, after riding the boys band wave with 98 degrees, he will now ride the alimony poney from his "chicken of the sea" ex-spouse. Way to stand up for yourself and other men Nick ! and take that ( pun intended) , feminist movement ! The divorced men club wants pay back from all those years of support the first wives club :-) . On the other hand, he could get back to singing so ...maybe it is better this way for our own sake.

Tyra banks and Flipper are on a boat, which school would they choose ?

The answer from the previous post is Tyra Banks ( before she was Victoria Secret least secret weapon ) and Flipper the dolphin ( I don't know if that's flipper actually, she might be just another fish in the sea). Still, the cartoon on the right is by far my favorite. You may think I am saying this to earn point with the lady of the house but actually, I just look much better as a cartoon than in real life. Have a great lazy week-end !
( Please note that I have now pledged loyalty to 4 different schools in my college career as seen on my Hoyas hat. Paul Sabatier, Georgetown, Tulane and Purdue, that's 4 schools, 2 countries, 3 conferences, 3 mascots and 4 religions [rugby, jesuit, jewish, football ] for those keeping count. Next move, ACC baby ! BTW I do not have a commitment problem in case you were wondering)


Hanging with the all-stars: who is that ?

I am now basking in the extravaganza that is the NBA all-star game. It is a pointless game but it's in good spirit and it is always fun to catch random celebrities trying to convince people tha they can "ball". That and Steve Nash who has the unique distinction of being the mos thoughtful athlete with the most inexplicable hair. So far, we are expecting a 5"8 guy to win the dunk contest ( nate robinson see pics), we saw an ex-celtic ( Walther "I love Walther" Mcarthy) sing the national anthem ( not bad actually left pics) and Nowitzki looking like he is worried about the birdflu in germany ( right pics).
Now let's play the "do you recognize me ? " game: Which celebrities are hanging out with Lova in those blurred pictures ? ( hint: one used to date the all-star Chris Webber ad the other knows Michael Jackson :-) ). Answer soon with unblurred pics.


why and when stereotyping is harmful: cases of missed opportunities

I have to admit that I got a little too "mushy" with all the reminescing from the family and friends. Maybe it was the effect of that pink on V-day. Anyway, I wanted to drop a quick word on a recurring topic on this blog: stereotyping ( let me know if it's too much and I will stop..or not). I have been looking at this issue from the perspective of the "stereotypee" and the effect on his psychee. It does not take a genius to see how stereotyping can be harmful to the one at the receiving end of it. My contention today is that it is at least just as harmful for the "stereotyper". How is that, you may ask. The usual line of defense for serial stereotyper goes like this: " I am not against (whatever group f people) I am againt stupidity or " yes, I am biaised so sue me ! " Well, stereotyping is harmful for you because of two words: missed opportunities .
Two stories illustrate my point better than I could explain: In our scientific field and in biology in particular, the proportion of women heading a laboratory is improving but still much below the male proportion. About this issue, you may recall the president of harvard (Summers)'s take on the issue, basically offering that a woman's brain may not be suited for science. I can assure you from personal experience that could not be further from the truth as most of the best scientist I have met are not only women but very charming as well. In the following link is an interesting response on the issue. Sadly a colleague of mine is also adamant about not joining a very good lab in hsi field because he "cannot work with a woman on science". It is a pity in this case because the lab in question ( best in the field bar none )would be a great opportunity for him to advance his career.
The other story concerns the hiring of Black coaches in NFL ( US football). NFL is a source of a lot of revenues and head coaches are well rewarded. Although a few successful black coaches have already proven themselves ( Tony Dungy, Marvin Lewis), the hiring process have been detrimental to minority coaches. It would seem logical to hire someone who has been a player before and can relate to most of his players but apparently that made too much sense. Michael Silver ( brilliant sportswriter) made that point in one of his column in SI and received this interesting e-mail:
" I suppose, as one of your letter-writers said, that you would be most happy to see any and all whites banned from playing to owning any football teams. Maybe they could be used as water boys and bathroom maintenance men. I'm sick and tired of you self-loathing whites who are expected to fall on our sword because of the sins of our forefathers. You don't get it, do you pal? That was another time when people thought differently. You can be sure there will come a time in the future when even out most liberal viewpoints will be thought of as barbaric. And all of you moronic liberals find it very convenient to mock others who have a serious problem with the dumbing down of America. Blacks should not be put in positions they are not ready to handle. Just because a few of them are excellenty at sports or music, it doesn't mean they are ready to lead a state or a nation. Maybe you'll be satisfied when white men, women and children are marched off to re-education camps. Sound familiar?"

Obviously, this emailer is not an owner not an open minded one at least. Nevertheless I believe that his point of view is not that marginal in North America (note the stereotyping of blacks as talented at sports and music).
The missed opportunity here is the non-hiring of a potentially great coach based on absurd reasons.
A final point on stereotyping: unnoticed in the all Mohammad cartoons fiasco was the intelligent point of view of muslims who explained why representing Mohammad in cartoon is such an offense to their faith. I am not muslim so I cannot comprehend the intricacy of the problem. The cartoonist was not muslim either and yet he tried to tackle a subject that he did not have a handle on. The missed opportunity here: being smart and just putting the pencil down before triggering chaos. Still The reaction ( the burning of embassies and death threats) is still absolutely ridiculous and pathetic. Again that is just my opinion.
Final words ( a la jerry springer :) ): encourage the reggae rabbi (see pics), the poet-linebacker and the Israelo-Palestinian tennis double, only with their success can the idiotic stereotyping be put to rest.


Mahaleo Fahafahana ( freedom) for my sis

this is an audio post - click to play

This song is for sister who introduced me to Mahaleo ( only the most relevant songwriters from madagascar) . This song is about a guy jailed for his opposition to the current government and asking why freedom keeps eluding him. My sis would sing this from time to time and you would think that she was actually singing behind bars. It gives me goosebumps to this day. Thanks to my aunt Lalasy for sending the dvd. Home is never too far with family such as this.

Audioblogger ! Sweet

this is an audio post - click to play

I am trying out this audio post thing. It seems to be working fine. Of course, first song had to be from Grammy winner album: "How to dismantle an atomic bomb" U2 ( did you know that the bomb refered to his dad ? must have been a tough lad ! ). To aswwer the suspicious questions from my friends ( namely, Chinmay and I-mei), I do not have a men-crush on the Band, I just want to enjoy their music before they vanish and get to the "Beatles" status.

Valentine day's blunder

A few post ago, I was whining about how the lack of cash in my wallet led to an accord with my I-mei that we would not celebrate V-day this month and wait for better days ( namely next month paycheck and hopefully tax return ). So there I am, trying to come up with something to show her that I am cashless but not heartless and bumming about my financial status. ( I really shouldn't complain because as a student, I get a decent stippend from Purdue that makes me part of the 12% richest people on planet earth ! Unbelievable yet true, you can look it up here. The unequal distribution of wealth is a bit mindboggling, I would say ...but enough of the digression).
It turns out my baby did not respect the accord: she got me this great book about U2 (see pics) after a delicious homecooking feast accompanied by a sweet greeting card. On the other hand, I got her....my "sorry" guilty face. I know what you think and I am mortified enough now so no salt on the wound please. She was a good sport and did not blame at all for being a cheap jerk. I am due for some serious making up. Any suggestions ? The irony is that I told my family about the "V-day no gift" plan and told me not to go through with it. I played the "it's-about-the-accord-principle" card but my mum called my bluff and said that was bullcrap. Anway, the lesson is 1) as always I am idiot 2) all accord are nullified on V-day.


God's gift to comedians all over the world :best of Cheney "incident" fallout.

Good news, ladies and gentlemen, we have finally located weapons of mass destruction: It's Dick Cheney." --David Letterman, on Cheney's shooting accident
We can't get bin Laden, but we nailed a 78-year-old attorney." --David Letterman

"Dick Cheney accidentally shot a fellow hunter, a 78-year-old lawyer. In fact, when people found out he shot a lawyer, his popularity is now at 92 percent." --Jay Leno

"I think Cheney is starting to lose it. After he shot the guy he screamed, 'Anyone else want to call domestic wiretapping illegal?'" --Jay Leno
"Now, this story certainly has its humorous aspects. ... But it also raises a serious issue, one which I feel very strongly about. ... moms, dads, if you're watching right now, I can't emphasize this enough: Do not let your kids go on hunting trips with the vice president. I don't care what kind of lucrative contracts they're trying to land, or energy regulations they're trying to get lifted -- it's just not worth it." --Jon Stewart
"The Vice President is standing by his decision to shoot Harry Whittington. Now, according to the best intelligence available, there were quail hidden in the brush. Everyone believed at the time there were quail in the brush. And while the quail turned out to be a 78- year-old man, even knowing that today, Mr. Cheney insists he still would have shot Mr. Whittington in the face. He believes the world is a better place for his spreading buckshot throughout the entire region of Mr. Wittington's face." --"Daily Show" correspondent Rob Corddry
"Apparently the reason they didn't release the information right away is they said we had to get the facts right. That's never stopped them in the past." --Craig Ferguson

Here are the same jokes in french.

I will say this: 1) I really hope the lawyer is fine. 2) What are the odds for another comic gift from those guys before the next election ? Is there an official "blunder" count at this stage and if there is, who is keeping track ? ( the 2000 Florida election commission should be perfect )? Clinton must be saying: "I thought my line: -I did not have sex with this woman- would never be topped, but it turns out another Dick outperformed mine. "


a stroll down memory lane

My sister reflected earlier on the nomadic life we have been living so far and how the family is split literally on all 4 corners of the world ( Ethiopia, St-Martin, Tunis, Lafayette). We have had among my parents, my sister and I 18 different places we called home at some point in our lives. A little disorienting yet priceless. So here are in no particular order, some of the places I called home for a while:

Tulane College (N-O) ( Dad, mum, Sis, Dadou, Loni, Mialy, Junior )

Georgetown (D.C) ( ESL, Pietro, Vanessa Konizer, Jose Hung)

Roland Garros, Paris ( Guga)

More pictures here of :family, friends and celebrities

1st malagasy in Winter olympics ! get well Gingster..

It looks like Madagascar has send its first athlete to the Winter Olympian ! His name is Mathieu Razanokolona and he will compete in the downhill ski event (or whatever the name is..).(Links available below) I am sure you know this but Madagascar is not exactly the ideal place for ski practice.... unless it is waterskiing of course. Needless to say, Mathieu bringing a medal home is as likely as a man being mistakenly taken for a quail and shot by the Vice-President of the US. ..nevermind that ( Intriguingly, V.P. Cheney was an outside contender for winning the biathlon in Turino). Anyway, Lamako ( sync. clapping) for Mathieu, as far as I am concerned, he already won the event.
On a sadder note, one of the doggies (Ginga )at home is a bit sick ( upset stomach we hope), updates on his health are available on his website.(mosilager.blogspot.com).
Get well soon, Gingster; you are a strong doggie so you will be up and running in no time with your friend Booboo who will take good care of you.

Jokes that write themselves ( actual headlines or quotes) and "cashless in Seattle "on V-day

Cheney accidentally shots fellow Hunter.

Pat Robertson ( christian broadcaster) : Minister Ariel Sharon ' s stroke was brought on by the wrath of God for dividing his land.

G.W. Bush on War in Iraq: "Mission Accomplished"

Bush on Michael Brown and Katrina relief effort: " You are doing a heck of a job, Brownie "

Bill Bennett, former Education Secretary and author of "The Book of Virtues," "I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down." --

Barbara Bush on hurricane evacuees: "What I'm hearing which is sort of scary is that they all want to stay in Texas. Everybody is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway so this (chuckle) – this is working very well for them."

[end of actual quotes]

I believe that the current administration is one of the most entertaining one in very a long time. So thank you, G.W ...I guess.

Question: Does agreeing to watch "Brokeback Moutain" with your significant one count as a valentine's day gift ? Humm, I thought so.... the thing is, I am kind of short on cash lately....could I masquerade my lack of present into a stand against the marketing ploy that is V-day ? No, really ?... Well, What the heck... I will just add to the increasing national debt and purchase a nuclear head for my baby. Happy Valentine !


heartbreak for cote d'ivoire, truce for winter olympics, home sweet home

Just a few words before the week-end, Cote d'ivoire lost in a heartbreak to Egypt at the African nations Cup. A victory would have soften the blow of the ongoing war there. I still think they will be inspired at the world cup in germany.

My sister was mentioning in the post below the home she left at 16. Here is part of it in pictures, Analakely, Antananarivo (dowtown if you will).

Here's hoping for a temporary truce all over the world during the olympics. It would be a nice change from the civil war, terrorist acts and nuclear threat. And how can you not like about someone luging at 100mph head first in freezing temperature ?

(Why we blog) Roots : My sister in her own words


Welcome home, Kivouzeme: my brother's idea of a blog gave me a shelter.

Tunis, African Development Bank, 19.00.
This has been of those weeks filled with anxiety and feelings of helplessness. Am I doing the right thing? Am I contributing? Have I been available to my friends? Did I tell my family members I loved them? If Cote d'Ivoire wins the CAN, will this mend, even for a little while the wounds of hatred? ...Brrr...these are moments when you wish life would be simpler and warmer. You wish you could go home and laugh with your brother. Kiss your father. Tell your mother about your whole life. Listen. Share. Stop thinking. Just be.
One would expect a grown-up, with an international job, a cheerful perspective on the future, a tenacious optimism and sacred fire burning inside would have found a home.
Well, I must say I am still looking for it.
Looking back, I realised my brother and I have kept chasing each other. Permanently. In many countries, in a lot of towns. Paris,Toulouse, London, D.C, New Orleans, West Lafayette, Tunis. We chased each other to bring back those wonderful days of togetherness in Tana, where happiness was the only thing we ever took for granted. In 1988, when like any privilidged child of poor countries, I could go and study in Paris, it was time to part, to leave the beloved home, friends, the adored parents and the brother...the soulmate.
I was 15.5 years-old, I thought I would make it, I thought I was brave.
Then Parisian loneliness and adversity stroke. I had to admit it, I was not brave enough, and the strength I had felt in my Madagascar days vanished.
I went back and forth on Air Madagascar GP uneasy seats on Paris Tana 6 times in 1989.
I was searching for someone who could understand, who could share the pain of being away, who could laugh with me, someone who would know by a look in the eyes that I was riding hard through hardship, but playing it tough. I needed someone who could take away the emotional pain of listening to the soft and distant voice of my father calls, someone who could explain my mother's instructions for succes.
I wanted to take my brother on those flights back to Paris, to London, to Montevideo.

Of course, with a little more than 6 years between us, there was no way we could venture in our life journey hands in hands.
But we were forced to live the rest of our lives apart too soon. Academia and professional well being cost me a lot. As Tonton Coco once said, "if there is one thing I will ever hold Madagascar authorities responsible for, is their inability to keep their children home".
So I lost home at the age of 16. 19 years later, after numerous trips, appointments in airports, nights in hotels, rent deposits, I was finally finding inner peace by accepting structural loneliness, when my brother went on blogging.
It was all written there: deep and respectful tribute to our parents, little stories about us, love declaration to "the lady in his life", holiday pictures but also comments on world headlines, racism, poverty, readings, all matters we could not share during our all-too-short yearly encounters in some corner of the world.
Somehow, in my gipsy life, I feel I have a shelter, a permanent one, where I can see, almost feel my soulmate living: my brother's blog was a warm welcome home. Randiana

Well, What can I say ? I was about to write an angry post on how my week was subpar and then my sister wrote.... I am honored to provide a "virtual home" for her thoughts and sentiments and I am always thrilled when she drops a few words. For easier browsing, I will also archive all the family related posts into the blog: famille du monde so that it is easier to access. Her post will always figure on the front page here. I also postponed the writing of my angry post :-) about the sorry state of the world. :-). I guess that is the sister effect.
Have a great week-end and call your siblings, it might put you in a whole different mood !!!!


Sudo...what ? How to cope with innate inabilities

By now, everyone must have heard of or played the infamous new mind game of Sudoku. My parents are hooked, my friends are addicted so in order to keep up with the trend, I gave it a try. I was intrigued the first couple of games. The problem started when I tried to tackle the clock and the different levels. It went so bad that I cannot even solve the easiest one now. The point is, the game has become for me an excercise in frustration, futility and self-criticism. I did not need that, if you see what I mean. So what should I do to get over my shortcomings and quit calling the game SU F*U ? I could ignore it, pretend I never heard of it like a brokenhearted dumpee or... I could counterattack. Yes, I think the best way is to go around the problem, I wll start a new game that will take over the SUDO(attac)KU. We will call it a cooler name such as KUKURUKU, RITBACKATU or POLAMALU (in honor of steelers). Here goes ( I still need to think it through but the base is here):it's a multiple step games
1st step: anagram (word) like plus categories:
For example: category: Holiday
anagram: OTWSAGNIHN ( Washington)
DEEPCENNINCE (Independence)
TINAONLA ( national)
LOCONTSI (colonist)
2nd step: anagram ( numbers):
final answer: 04071776

You see, that was easy. And don't pretend you don't feel good about yourself now.

Another one for the week: let me know if you got it:
category: war
2nd step: 91601482
Answer: ???
If you get it right, you will earn a tap on the back from yourself. If you lose, there is always the new SUDOKU SWEEP !!!! ( Tetris+sudoku) And to prove you, I am not bitter, I attached a link to plenty of sudoku online:
Have a great week !


traduction cocasse et le retour de McGyver

Il semble que le petit gadget ajouter sur ce blog (la traduction instantanee) ne soit pas totalement satisfaisante. En lisant les chapitres en anglais traduit par le traducteur automatique, j'ai l'impression d'etre un eleve en CM2 qui voudrait utiliser le vocabulaire des "grands" du college :-). C'est pas grave, l'idee generale est presente. Par contre, tout le chapitre n'est pas traduit. Je ne savais pas qu'il y avant une restricition sur le nombre de mots :-(. Je garde le gadget pour encore un mois puis j'en chercherai un autre.
Le superbowl de foot US s'est deroule hier. C'est triste quand la ceremonie d'ouverture est plus excitante que le match. Stevie Wonder a anime la fete avec son fils de 4 ans a la batterie (yep), John Legend, Joss Stone et Aretha Franklin. Pas mal n'est ce pas ? Les rolling stones, apres, c'etait plutot moyen mais etant donne l'age moyen de 65 ans du groupe, je trouve que ca merite notre admiration et notre effarement ( je vois mal mon pere faire la dance du ventre comme Mick Jagger... voila une image qui va me rester dans le crane pendant un moment... merci Mick !"I can't get No Satisfaction"
Pittsburgh a battu Seattle ou encore "l'equipe usines d'acier/moutarde heinz " a vaincu l'equipe "starbucks/microsoft"... Bon, pourquoi pas ? Je dirai meme que l'on n'est plus tres loin du moment ou au lieu de jouer pour l'equipe nationale, on jouera pour la multinationale: "l'equipe carrefour a battu l'equipe adidas sur un coup-franc magistral de Zizou". Zizou explique qu'il se sent aussi proche de ses chaussures adidas que du jambon de carrefour et qu'il n'y a donc pas d'amalgame a faire. :-) "Ma femme travaille pour Air Iberia de toute facon donc ..."
Le sommet du Superbowl a ete le retour de McGyver ( le timing est parfait apres mon bricolage sur l'ordi). Une des pubs mastercard ( la serie priceless) etait axe sur ses ressources originales. A quand le film avec Matt Damon qui sauve le monde d'un meteorite en fusion en utilisant que la poudre a laver OMO ?
Bonne semaine


racial profiling and stereotypes ( again ) updated

I apologize ahead of time for addressing this topic again, but the current events and odd circumstances leave no other choices. As you may recall, I attempted a bit unsucessfully to mock our inherent prejudices about race and culture. I also wrote about the value of instinct in decision making in "the power of thinking without thinking: Blink" (Malcom Gladwell). Well, you would not believe it but two events happen thie week that are closely linked to those issues.
1- The increased commotion caused by the Mohammed cartoons in the newspaper of Dennmark, then France and Germany. Free speech vs. perceived lack of respect for one's faith.
2- A great article by Gladwell in the New Yorker about racial profiling. ( OK I admit it, I, in fact, am Malcom Gladwell and I am desperate for anyone to buy my book ! I am sorry but I just think the man knows how to explain things ).

Everyone has their own opinions about the cartoons. I will only say this: I think the timing is pretty lame for such humor. On the other hand, there are plenty of humoristic cartoons about Jesus and no one has raised hell yet. ( that was a very poor pun) My point is: it should have been a non-issue because the cartoon did not have a point even a comic one therefore should not have been published. I aslo think that the islamic community could have taken the high road but missed an opportunity to show perspective.

Now, I want to "copy paste" a few interesting passages from the New Yorker article and highlight the main points:

"In epidemiological studies of dog bites, the pit bull is overrepresented among dogs known to have seriously injured or killed human beings, and, as a result, pit bulls have been banned or restricted in several Western European countries, China, and numerous cities and municipalities across North America. Pit bulls are dangerous. Of course, not all pit bulls are dangerous. Most don’t bite anyone. Meanwhile, Dobermans and Great Danes and German shepherds and Rottweilers are frequent biters as well, and the dog that recently mauled a Frenchwoman so badly that she was given the world’s first face transplant was, of all things, a Labrador retriever. When we say that pit bulls are dangerous, we are making a generalization, just as insurance companies use generalizations when they charge young men more for car insurance than the rest of us (even though many young men are perfectly good drivers), and doctors use generalizations when they tell overweight middle-aged men to get their cholesterol checked (even though many overweight middle-aged men won’t experience heart trouble). Because we don’t know which dog will bite someone or who will have a heart attack or which drivers will get in an accident, we can make predictions only by generalizing. As the legal scholar Frederick Schauer has observed, “painting with a broad brush” is “an often inevitable and frequently desirable dimension of our decision-making lives.”


“We have a policy against racial profiling,” Raymond Kelly, New York City’s police commissioner, told me. “I put it in here in March of the first year I was here. It’s the wrong thing to do, and it’s also ineffective. If you look at the London bombings, you have three British citizens of Pakistani descent. You have Germaine Lindsay, who is Jamaican. You have the next crew, on July 21st, who are East African. You have a Chechen woman in Moscow in early 2004 who blows herself up in the subway station. So whom do you profile? Look at New York City. Forty per cent of New Yorkers are born outside the country. Look at the diversity here. Who am I supposed to profile?”

Kelly was pointing out what might be called profiling’s “category problem.” Generalizations involve matching a category of people to a behavior or trait—overweight middle-aged men to heart-attack risk, young men to bad driving. But, for that process to work, you have to be able both to define and to identify the category you are generalizing about. “You think that terrorists aren’t aware of how easy it is to be characterized by ethnicity?” Kelly went on. “Look at the 9/11 hijackers. They came here. They shaved. They went to topless bars. They wanted to blend in. They wanted to look like they were part of the American dream. These are not dumb people. Could a terrorist dress up as a Hasidic Jew and walk into the subway, and not be profiled? Yes. I think profiling is just nuts.”


Then which are the pit bulls that get into trouble? “The ones that the legislation is geared toward have aggressive tendencies that are either bred in by the breeder, trained in by the trainer, or reinforced in by the owner,” Herkstroeter says. A mean pit bull is a dog that has been turned mean, by selective breeding, by being cross-bred with a bigger, human-aggressive breed like German shepherds or Rottweilers, or by being conditioned in such a way that it begins to express hostility to human beings. A pit bull is dangerous to people, then, not to the extent that it expresses its essential pit bullness but to the extent that it deviates from it. A pit-bull ban is a generalization about a generalization about a trait that is not, in fact, general. That’s a category problem.


In other words, the relation between New York City (a category) and criminality (a trait) is unstable, and this kind of instability is another way in which our generalizations can be derailed.


It was a textbook dog-biting case: unneutered, ill-trained, charged-up dogs, with a history of aggression and an irresponsible owner, somehow get loose, and set upon a small child. The dogs had already passed through the animal bureaucracy of Ottawa, and the city could easily have prevented the second attack with the right kind of generalization—a generalization based not on breed but on the known and meaningful connection between dangerous dogs and negligent owners. [...]

It would have required, that is, a more exacting set of generalizations to be more exactingly applied. It’s always easier just to ban the breed.

End of article:

I know that was a lot of reading but I think he covered everything that explains the actual tension in the world between different cultures and how the problem can be addressed. It is certainly more complicated than neutering pitbulls, but the concept is right there. Now if our world leaders would focus more on the "real "reasons instead of the "obvious" one.... personally, I feel much better after reading the article ..and on meeting a pitbull face to face !!!

Be great and stay away from instable owners of pitbulls.

Traduction pour le papou et la saint-valentin en chansons

Mon roomate Ranjit qui est toujours au top de ce qui se fait sur la toile a introduit un traducteur simultanee sur son blog. Lova se dit que c'est une idee qu'elle est bonne pour ne pas que le papou se sente exclu de mes betises dans la langue de shakespeare ( ou plutot Mr Bean dans mon cas). Apres tout tout le monde doit pouvoir revendiquer son droit a lire les betises dans la langue qui lui chante :-). Alors chaque paragraphe en anglais aura son pendant en francais et vice versa. Pour mes visiteurs inuites, ca va venir tres bientot. Attention, c'est une traduction gratuite electronique , en d'autres termes, c'est assez merdique ! ( je suis curieux de savoir comment merdique est traduit d'ailleurs ) mais bon, on ne peut pas avoir le beurre, l'argent du beurre, le sourire de la cremiere et le coup de pied du cremier ! Pour avoir la traduction, cliquez sous la photo d'amelie a droite (hehe) sur l'icone "francais". Pas sur que ca marche mais bon...

En l'honneur de la Saint-Valentin proche ( Adieu O portefeuille bien aimee, ce fut un plaisir de te connaitre ), voici une petite liste musicale pour mettre dans l'ambiance: ce n'est pas "boulevard des slows " mais a essayer quand meme car qui ne risque rien n'a rien !
1- The killers: All these things that I have done 2- Amos Lee: Colors 3- Joss stone: The chokin' kind 4- U2: miracle drug 5-Alicia keys and Bono: Don't give up 6- Queen: Somebody to love 7-Lauryn Hill and Bob Marley: Turn your lights down low 8-Renaud: la peche a la ligne
9- Vanilla Ice: Ice Ice Baby ( c'etait pour voir si vous suivez encore, une fille qui resiste a: "if you have a problem, Yo I solve it, check out the hook while the DJ revolves it" est un cas desesperee ).
Bon week-end et si vanilla ice ne marche pas , rabattez vous sur : "eye of the tiger, Rocky III " de survivor: imparable.


G.W. Bush "discovers" Bono and the need for another source of energy

I still wonder how this meeting did not tear a hole in the universe and induce armageddon. Apparently G-dubb ( as the president is called by his close friend Kanye West ), thinks that Bono is "an amazing guy". Well he also seemed to realize that there is a need for alternative to arab oil as a source of energy. Hold on, this is a major breakthrough...:-) maybe soon we will hear that maybe invading Iraq was not that profitable and a lousy idea after all. Yet I digress again.... Back to the point where Bono is a "doer" (sic) (as opposed to an evil doer, I guess, someone needs to buy our friend W a thesarus !!! ), I wouldn't disagree with his assesment of Bono. He does get things done. I may disagree with the often referal to God to reach to certain circle of power but the bottom line is to rectify an unjust situation so I will let it be. Bono's way is to get as many influential people of whatever political board to do something about a situation that is insanely absurd. I may actually get on board with that agenda as long as these other people drop the nonsense about sexual abstinence as the solution to fight HIV epidemic. I would like to come up with a good metaphor to illustrate that idea but it is just too idiotic right now. How about this: Hiding behing a young christmas tree while an avalanche is storming down towards you: it might work but I would not bet on it !

The other epiphany that occured was the need for another source of energy. I might be wrong here, but I don't think that was his major concern when he was head of the executive board of one of the Gulf coast -based US oil company. ( I would look up the name but I am too lazy). Then he decided that running for president of US might tickle his fancy ( and the world has been a better place since then.... ). This divine revelation calls for another mataphor:
it would be the equivalent of a hip-hop rapper rhyming about how bad he is and how many women are lusting for him and 2 years later preaching about how rap is corrupting the youth of society. ( wait, that actually happended... nevermind) Let's just say that the credibility factor is somewhat diminished. It is still a fair statement though; just as bad lyrics can influence the mind of yougsters, there is a need for an alternative to oil..... I would like to say " we told you so 25 years ago..." but I will just pull out my toenails instead and pour some acid on them.
This might not be relevant after all since it appears that we have reached the tipping point climatewise where the global warming will definitely melt away the polar ice and provoke global flooding in the next 100 years. ( I cannot find the article anymore, you look for it). On the brightside, there will be no need for pulling out the toenails anymore, the fishes will be happy to do it for me. If I sound a little bitter, it's because I am. I am bitter because I think I don't do nearly enough to counter this seemingly irreversible cahin of events. ( It is an accurate evaluation because I, in fact, don't do a thing about it. Donations to the red cross do not count anymore at this point). Still, I have hope, because after reading about the little things that make big differences in the book "the Tipping Point " by again Malcom Gladwell ( I swear I do not get commission on his book sells ), I learned that starting a major trend or a global epidemic is not that difficult. One could get everyone on this planet to bike for a week instead of driving by using a combination of good campaigning strategy, right network and timing. And be really smart too, .....well so much for that....can I get those toenails removed now ?

Have a great week-end still :-)


Ah technologie, pourquoi m'as tu fait ca ? Ole ! Mcgyver a la rescousse

La semaine a commence assez difficilement ici. Je n'ai pas bp ecrit ces derniers temps pour 2 raisons: la premiere est que je suis entrain de finaliser une etude sur l'effet de l'hepatite B sur la progression du cancer du foie. Bref, les manips sont en majeures parties faites avant revision et je fignole les figures. C'est beaucoup de boulot mais surtout je dois avoir mes donnees sous la main. La 2eme raison: Catastrophe avant hier : le petit bout de ferraille qui fait prise sur le cordon d'alimentation de l'ordi se casse ( je ne sais pas comment ) et je ne peux allumer le laptop. Mes sauvegardes sur disques n'ont pas ete faites depuis un an ...bref, pour parler crument, c'est la merde avec un grand M. Je telephone a Toshiba ( qui a part cet episode est un ordi tout a fait satisfaisant sauf pour le demontage du disque dur mais ca c'est une discussion pour un autre jour ) fait le tour des reparations d'ordi du coin: meme diagnostique: au moins $600 de reparations pour ce petit truc et 1 mois sans ordi. Je commence a faire la meme tete que le corbeau Rocard mixe e avec Marchais la cochonne dans le "bebete show" ( dommage que ce show n'existe plus ). $600 c'est le prix d'un ordi neuf decent et 1 mois c'est pas jouable. Je retrouve le petit bout casse a la maison apres une recherche minutieuse de 1h et j'essaye de convaincre un electricien de souder le bout. Il dit que c'est impossible. A grand maux , grand moyens , je decide de me transformer en MacGyver ( sur l'air: ttttttt, tttt, ttt, ttttTt) et je prends de la superglue, un bout de ferraille de mon porte cle et je colle l'embout avec la prise d'alimentation. A ne faire sous aucune circonstances mais bon, la situation est grave et presque desesperee. Miralce sur la 34eme, le jus passe et je promets de ne plus maudire Takayashi, Dieu japonais de la puce electronique et Sudokumi, dieu du labyrinthe san fin ( ne cherchez pas, ces dieux n'existent que dans mon monde insense ). Mon ordi est donc maintenant cale dans un coin entrain d'etre totalement " backed up" et moi je me prosterne devant lui en chantant des incantations en polynesien. ( Lofa Lotupu Polamalu Zeroue tanaka kajabimbala )...pour les ferus de rugby et football us , ce sont bien des noms de joueurs pro ) .
A bientot, et ne sortez pas sans votre colle superglue.