
Yes, in case Le Pen asks, this IS France....

Thuram was asked how he felt about the remarks saying that there were too many people of color on the French team. He laughed and answered: " Well, I am not black,[...] I am French." Considering that Thuram is indeed "black" and that he is very committed in the fight against racism, his answer was probably as on point as it gets (with a touch of sarcasm). This "rainbow" french team will probably do more in unifying France than any political leaders could ever do. Who said football is only a game? ;)

PS: 2 required reading touching this subject: from helmut and Superfrenchie .


  1. fantastique! i along with 1 billion other Indians will now be supporting France in their quest for the WC (actually I switched sides 10 minutes into the Brazil game). Allez les Bleus et let's hope Dhorasoo gets a goal (ok let's hope he gets a game first)

  2. Anonymous11:01 PM

    My bf noticed that, too. He was like, where are all the white Frenchmen? Well, I hope France wins, too.

  3. hey mosilager, 1 billion indians is quite a boost in support ;). Apparently, the UK (!) is also rooting for France (what?) because they cannot stand the way Portugal conned the ref into red carding Rooney.
    Cinthia, is this what they meant by "immigration choisie" ;) ?

  4. Anonymous5:39 PM

    hey lova
    did you see on that other blog (the french one) that the indian guy is actually from mauritius with some malagasy parentage?

  5. yep, I got intrigued so I wanted to confirm the info. I don't know if he knows him personally but this is the 411 I found on him so far:
    "Vikash Dhorasoo sait d’où il vient. Ses arrière-grands-parents, qui appartenaient à l’ethnie des Télégou, ont quitté l’Inde et l’Etat d’Andra Pradesh pour couper la canne à sucre à l’île Maurice. " C’était l’époque où les colons venaient chercher de la main-d’ouvre, bien avant le tourisme ", lâche-t-il, plein de sous-entendus. Ses parents sont hindous, parlent hindi et créole, lui est athée et prétend faire savoir que " Le Havre n’est pas une ville si moche que ça " et que les gens y sont " très chaleureux ". Bien sûr, il est issu d’un " quartier chaud ", comme il dit, affirme connaître les raisons de la " violence des jeunes " et raconte souvent ce jour où quatre policiers l’ont conduit, à cause de sa mine plutôt mate, dans un parking pour une fouille en règle avant de s’apercevoir qu’il s’agissait de Dhorasoo et, donc, d’une " méprise ". " Ce jour-là, j’ai compris que je n’étais plus le fils d’immigré noir, mais un footballeur qui gagnait de l’argent. "
    He also showed up in person at tournament in support of the gay community.
    A good guy overall it seems....my roomate is definetely going to get his Dhorasoo jersey now :)

  6. forgot to mention: Ribery, one of the "native" French, converted to islam 2 years ago. Sweet irony isn't it ? :)
