
If I could turn back the hands of time"

"Funny, funny how time goes by[...]
If I could turn, turn back the hands of time... "
R. Kelly

( B. Pitt in "Freddy's nightmare", J.Anniston in "Poltergeist 2", N.Campbell in some informecials, J. Law, C. Dion on Champs-elysees with Drucker, Agassi, S. Sarandon selling acne cream, K. Reeves selling Corn Flakes, C Cox in B. Springsteen music video)

"When will I
will I be famous?
I can't answer
I can't answer that."
( As indicated, then B. Spears on Mickey mouse Club, W Snipes in "Bad", J. Travolta being a nerdy high-school kid, W. Houston selling Canada Dry)

"You sit there in your heartache
Waiting on some beautiful boy to
To save your from your old ways...
when you were young" The Killers

(All NBA players as kids: K. Bryant already popular with the ladies, V. Carter in style , T. Duncan already shy, D. Wade working the bowtie before Sean John, J. Williams before he was White Chocolate, D. Nowitzki still choosing between Tennis and Basketball, Shaq already a happy big boy )

So why this post ? (you might ask)
Work is killing me right now so this is my way of protesting my boss's treatment and the unfair lifestyle of the rich and famous: posting pictures of them before they were stars :).
Aren't the kids cute ? My favorites are Ricky martin looking vaguely like Tarzan, G. Clooney as a drag-queen and Celine Dion singing with Drucker: priceless.
If you want the sound that comes with the pictures, the video is over here.
And for those of you too young to remember BROS ( hence the famous "coupe en brosse" haircut), here is a video.
The nonsense post of the month is done, yes !
I can now pretend I am busy again.


les 7 (nouvelles) merveilles du Monde:

(via wiki)

"In fact, I am the 8th Wonder of the World. / Je suis, en fait, la 8ėme merveille du monde"
Charles Barkley.

C'est génial, Charles, mais où sont les 7 autres ?
"I have no f... clue" Barkley says, laughing wholeheartedly. :)
Bon, apparemment Barkley ne peut pas nous aider à retrouver les autres merveilles mais si on a besoin d'un garde de corps en boite de nuit, il est notre homme.
Alors Qui peut citer les 7 merveilles du monde (les originaux)... sans tricher ? :)
Ma liste comporterait la pyramide de Gizeh, ( Ah ! Le "you belong to me" de Bob Dylan), le phare d'Alexandrie ( Merci Cloclo) et le Colosse de Rhodes. Pour le reste, voici la liste complète des 7 anciennes merveilles du Monde.
Cette liste un peu désuette et assez hellenocentrique mérite une mise à jour. Un vote universel s'est mis en place pour décider d'une nouvelle liste des (nouvelles) 7 merveilles du monde: sur la short-list (entre autres):
"Pétra (Jordanie), Les pyramides de Gizeh (Égypte), La statue de la Liberté à New York (États-Unis), Stonehenge (Sud de l'Angleterre), L'opéra de Sydney (Australie), Le Taj Mahal (Inde), Tombouctou (Mali)....."

Mais les vrais merveilles ne sont-elles pas naturelles ?
Voyez donc:
(via Nasa)
Voici la liste des 7 merveilles de la nature proposée par CNN:
# Le Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA
# La grande barrière de corail (Great Barrier Reef), Australie
# La baie de Rio de Janeiro (Harbor of Rio de Janeiro), Brésil
# Le mont Everest (Mount Everest), Népal
# Les aurores boréales (Northern Lights)
# Le volcan Paricutin (Paricutín volcano), Mexique
# Les chutes Victoria (Victoria Falls), Zimbabwe

Vu qu'aucune liste des 7 merveilles de la nature n'a encore fait l'unanimité, voici la mienne: (que je compte soumettre a l'UNESCO ) :)
1) La Réserve naturelle intégrale du Tsingy de Bemaraha (Hi Hjk ! )
2)Les chutes Victoria
3)La Région de la Laponie
4)La grande barrière de corail
5)Le Complexe de conservation de l'Amazonie Centrale
6)La baie de Diego-Suarez ( Oui , 2 candidats malgaches, surprenant non ? )
7) Internet :) Just kidding, I actually meant "Ithuteng".
et bien sur la 8eme merveille, ce n'est pas Charles mais Jessica (Alba).

Et à votre liste de merveilles ( naturelle ou pas), qui/que rajouteriez vous ?


Breakthrough soon ?

Forewords: I am not an economist nor a demographer. However, this theory behind economic breakthrough makes sense to me and it gives me hope about the future of Madagascar and Africa in general. Apologies if I bore you to death over the next few lines. I can promise it's not too long and I do have a point....eventually. :)

I could dwell on the abundance of gloomy news in the developing countries or have a "pity party" over the sad state of the world. You know, with news such as this: the Stern Report from the World Bank (via Tony Karon) : "an average increase of 2 degrees due to global warming would lead to 32 inches raise in sea level which in turns could lead to 30-200 millions at risk of starvation and 60 million more exposed to malaria"
or such as this: the HIV pandemic situation is actually getting worse.
Or more mundane news such as "The Malawian biological father of Madonna's baby did not have enough money to raise his child but he is now getting married and having another baby."
Or that "the cost of the modest Cruise's wedding is probably enough to take care of ___(fill in here with the funding-starved cause of your choice)".
I could go on and on but I won't because 1st) you heard it before and 2nd) we don't need another reminder of how unjust things are in the real world.
Instead, we can focus on what is being done and the positive future prospects. Here is one perspective of view that I especially like (although it was not written for the developing countries)

The dependency/ratio theory (via M. Gladwell):

This theory is mostly illustrated by the economic boom in Ireland in the 90's. Ireland was the black sheep of Europe in terms of economic prosperity from the 60-'s to the 80's. Now Ireland is one of the most prosper nation of Europe with growth rate double the rate of the rest of Europe. Why ?
One possible explanation is the dependency ratio theory.
In short, it's the relation between the number of people who aren’t of working age and the number of people who are.

As explained by Gladwell: "In Ireland during the sixties, when contraception was illegal, there were ten people who were too old or too young to work for every fourteen people in a position to earn a paycheck. That meant that the country was spending a large percentage of its resources on caring for the young and the old. In 2006 Ireland’s dependency ratio hit an all-time low: for every ten dependents, it had twenty-two people of working age. That change coincides precisely with the country’s extraordinary economic surge.[..] Demographers estimate that declines in dependency ratios are responsible for about a third of the East Asian economic miracle of the postwar era [..]Dependency ratios may also help answer the much-debated question of whether India or China has a brighter economic future"

Obviously, it takes more than just demographic analyzes to forecast the economic future of a country. However, the coincidence between dependency ratio and economic boom is intriguing.

So what is Madagascar's dependency ratio ?
A definite answer is difficult to have because the proportion of working people for each age category is very variable (child labor, unemployment etc...). However 45% of the population is under the age of 15 which makes Madagascar the 5th youngest nation in the world with a ratio of 10 dependents per 12.5 working people. Ouch, In other words, we are in Ireland situation 25 years ago or worse.
I am hopeful that 25 years from now, the kids will do us proud, grow into productive "assets" and pull us out of perpetual poverty.
It could happen, it's got to start now, the onus is on us. This was my "pep talk" for the courageous ones who are planning projects for a return home and the ones who are already there. :) Kudos to all of you for contributing to the increase of active workers.
(I am not going back yet so this is in no way, shape or form a judgment on those who choose to stay abroad. We've got to make things work from wherever we are and soldier on from there. )

On a totally unrelated note, this space is been up for almost a year now. Amazing how time flies. What is the legal age for a blog to start drinking anyway ?

PS: 1) Obviously dependency ratio for senior citizens is also a factor to be considered but in western Europe, not in the southern regions.
2) This "theory" amounts to zero, ziltch, nada.... IF most of the kids don't ever make it to the workforce because of various illnesses. ( Cela va sans dire mais ca va mieux en le disant ).
3) There are very qualified people in the blogosphere who could discuss this with much more expertise. So is this theory total bollocks or is there an actual basis for hope ? :) (Assuming the dependency ratio is significantly lower in 20 years and that none of this nonsense is to happen again).
BBB's article about managing the dependency ratio here.


Madagascarianskopia :)

(great grandpa Raintovo)
There is a wave of posts storming the web about the meaning of being a stranger away from home from a "Madagascarian" perspective. (It really should read "Malagasy" perspective but some people over here keep referring to me as Madagascarian so... :)) You will find links to all of them at the bottom of this post.
I got confused, as usual, and I posted my "2 cents" at the wrong place. Oh well.... :)
Here is my way of saying sorry and since it is still within the deadline...(right Tattum ?) :)
As luck would have it, I received some pictures by email from my dad yesterday and let me tell you, it cut real deep.

You see, I have not had the chance to meet any of these folks in the picture. They are my dad's parents and it is the first time I can put a face ( or 2 in this case) on my grandpa and grandma from my dad's side.
Grandpa was, from what I heard, a fervent patriot and wrote a song that was in the short list for national anthems. ( No, he was not a songwriter, he was a pediatrician. Probably the reason why the song was not picked:) )
Grandma gave birth to my dad while the fights of 1947 for independence were raging just outside their windows.
So although my grandparents' lives were quite intricate with the fate of Madagascar, I am now thousands of miles away from home and having problems writing a full sentence in Malagasy. :(
I am not proud of it but I am working on it and I am certainly at peace with it. Why at peace ?

Because of this picture.

You see, I can get as far away as I can from home, trying to make a living or searching for happiness or whatever it is that makes us run, I will always be only one email away from being reminded who I am and where I came from. Without these folks with the big smiles, I will literally be insignificant :) (for I would not exist).

That is what makes me part of the "Diaspora".
So if I ever start "bling-blinging" out of control like P. Diddy or "yodeling" country songs non-stop, I can go back to my flickr album and hear my grandpa tell me:
"Son, what in the world do you think you are doing ?" :)

Posts on the subject: (in case you are wondering, I just hacked Tattum and Hjk for this list...:) )
Malagasyscopie par Aiky
Malgachoscopie par Elodieriana

Malagasy kôpy par Harinjaka
Malagasy Kopia par Jentilisa
Malgachoscopie par Lilia
Malgachoscopie - Exil par Lova
Malagasyscopia par Malagasy any California
Malgachoscopie par Many
Malgachoscopie par Mia
Malgachoscopie par Nivo
Malgachoscopie - Fantatro izay fihaviako par Tomavana
Malgachoscopie par Vola
Malgachoscopie by Jogany "
More to come.....

Tags: , , , ,



I got pushed by Mosi into doing a casting for a TV show while hanging at the mall in Chicago. We were waiting for the Rusell Peters show to start ( funniest man around nowadays but more on him later ) when some guy dressed in fancy black uniform asked us if we were single...???
Hummm, "we don't really drive on that side of the road but thanks for asking anyway" ;) then Man in Black goes on saying that it's for a tv show called "dating on demand"

and the incentives are: $20 for participating, $300 if you get chosen by the show and it will take only 10 min, starting right now.
The conversation then went on like this:
Me: "can't do it, I am not single"
Man in black: "No problem, it's just for show and you get $20"
Me: "still can't do it, it says on the form: must be a US citizen."
MIB:" you are legal right ? (LOL) So no problem and you get $300 if you are selected"
Me:"So,$20....hummm, that should cover food for the evening :)..... Where do I sign ?"

Mosi politely declined saying that he was not going to get caught being a fool on TV. Making a fool out of myself never really stopped me though; plus, did I mention that there is money involved ?
So the interview went on for a full 20 min ( TV people are all such liars...) with a full range of questionning, bright lights in my face, cameras to stare at....yep, the whole 9 yards. Absolutely uncomfortable experience if you ask me, but hey, what the heck....once in a lifetime hey ?
The reason I mention this stuff is because the questions during the show reminded me that there is a tag by Amrita that I really wanted to write for a while but never got around to do. It is the "tagged by 5" post. Here it goes:

20 years ago:
1) 1st across-the-hemisphere trip from Antananarivo to Paris for vacation: I learned that you do not bargain the price of vegetables at the market in the western world....It seemed to me I was getting played for a fool.
2) Played my 1st tennis tournament and lost badly to Liva Rambeloson (buddy, if you are out there, D#$% you and your skills ! Ah, that felt good,.... waited 20 years to say that )
3) 1st slow dancing:....with my cousin...no further comment.
4) Reached level 11 at "Pacman". (Bowing down and waiving) "Thank you, thank you you are too kind. I would like to thank the academy ad my family for their support...."
5) Realized that this "girl dating" business was going to be very complicated.

10 years ago:
1) Landed in Washington, DC. Wondering what the hell happened. The only English words I knew back then were Hello, Michael Jordan and the F world.....
2) Fell in love hard with a Swiss hippie who was born on the same day as me. While I was whining about being homesick and not speaking English, she already lived in Thailand and Bolivia as a red cross volunteer.....made me realize in a hurry to quit being a wuss and "man up" :) .
3) Met Allen Iverson in the hallway and said these exact words: "huh, ah, xqsdf"
4) Got hooked on Basketball after that, one of my partner in crime at the gym was a Congolese student. He told me after a few months that his dad was Pascal Lissouba. You know, the former president ( I did not know either who Lissouba was at the time)
5) moved to New-Orleans shortly after.

5 days ago:

Caught BB King live. The old man still is the absolute master of Blues. And he is quite funny too.

5 minutes ago: (Ok 12 hours ago that but it feels like 5min ago)

It was the Russel Peters show live !!!! This Canadian comedian of Indian descent is going to be a Megastar very soon. Mark my words. An "Eddy Murphy in the 80's" comedian for the global world if you will. His routine centers on cultural differences and the humor in it. Now he is pushing it to another level, addressing politics and sex as well. Edgy but even funnier. I have not laughed that much in a long while.

A sample from the show:
US (trying to reason Iraqi):" We will attack you and invade your country"
Iraqi: (smiling and relax)
US (more forceful): "We will invade you and occupy you"
Iraqi: "OK then"
US: "We will KILL you"
Iraqi: " F(orget) you, I KILL myself "

(back to the tag...)
5 yummy food:
1) Mocha coffee, no whip cream.
2) Ile flottante.
3) Pad Gra-tiam.
4) Bulgogi
5) Varanga

5 addictions:
1) my family
2) sports news
3) my pets
4) Grey's anatomy (I know, I know)
5) big heads ;)

5 places to visit:

1) Norway.
2) My dad's birthplace: Alakamisy-Itenina.
3) Taj-mahal.
4) Taiwan
5) My dark side.

5 songs I know by heart:
1) "Ice ice baby" :) :)
2) "One"
3) " Mourir pour des idees" G. Brassens
4) "Cendrillon" Telephone
5) " Na dia lavitra" Rossy


Madagascar -Amazing Race: Rob is a bigoted idiot

(via GoncheyRM)
Je ne vais pas discuter plus en details cet épisode de l'émission TV americaine "the Amazing Race" (Merci Jogany) que Rabelazao a déja commenté avec son aplomb habituel. Je voulais juste partager la video car voir Antananarivo, l'ange noir et Ivato sous l'oeil de la production Jerry Bruckenheimer ( Bad Boys, the Rock, the day after tomorrow....) est....bizarre. :) La polémique sur les propos de Rob sur "les besoins du cerveau malgache" se trouve vers la fin ( 8ème minute).

Le reste de l'episode avec la degustation du "vavan'omby a Analakely" se trouve ici.


Borat is probably hilarious but I will not watch it in theaters

I think Sasha Baron Cohen is a trailblazer in comedy. I think his comedic act is at times hilarious and he often asks relevant questions. I watched clips of "Borat"the movie on the web and I laughed wholeheartedly. I am even biased towards liking him because he was the Lemur King in "Madagascar" the animated movie.
I also believe humor is the best way to address and fight ignorance and bigotry. But I won't watch "Borat" in theaters.
Why ?
Because I believe in some ways, "Borat" lost its purpose by picking Kazakhstan as his country of citizenship. Cohen's appeal is his willingness to push the envelope to expose bigotry and racism in a humoristic manner. I have no problem with that. However, he "chickened out" by choosing Kazakhstan. Why picking on them and portraying them as an antisemitic country? Because the abroad community of Kazakhstan is not that influential and in the grand scheme of the global village, Kazakhstan has very little pull. And that is my main problem with the movie.
Let's imagine this scenario for a second:
Jamel Debouze, famous French comedian of Maroccan descent and producer of the very important movie "Indigenes"(days of Glory in US) , makes a movie about a local Malagasy reporter who is send to France to learn about French culture. He puts a little make-up on ( not too much because Jamel could pass as a Malagasy), speaks a broken French language, carries a chicken in the Parisian metro and openly wonders why there are so many blacks and Arabs in France.
It could make for awesome comedy and could expose some lingering issues in France.
Still, I would obviously have a problem with it because:
1) It would give a bad name to Madagascar.
2) He would not be Malagasy and yes it does matter in that circumstance.
3) Finally, he would have chosen Madagascar because realistically on the global scale, no one cares if Malagasy people are offended. We don't matter that much yet. Try that being a Nigerian or an Algerian and it would be a whole different story.
Of course, it's all hypothetical right now, but this is exactly what people of Kazakhstan are faced with right now. And Why ? Because they don't matter much compared to the other nations.
I love you Sasha but this I cannot condone. So I will watch Ali G on tv but there will be no Borat in theaters for me.


Demain dès l'aube /tomorrow at dawn

Demain, dès l'aube, à l'heure où blanchit la campagne,
Je partirai. Vois-tu, je sais que tu m'attends.
J'irai par la forêt, j'irai par le montagne.
Je ne puis demeurer loin de toi plus longtemps.

Je marcherai les yeux fixés sur mes pensées,
Sans rien voir au dehors, sans entendre aucun bruit,
Seul inconnu, le dos courbé, les mains croisées,
Triste, et le jour pour moi sera comme la nuit.

Je ne regarderai ni l'or du soir qui tombe,
Ni les voiles au loin descendant vers Harfleur,
Et quand j'arriverai, je mettrai sur ta tombe
Un bouquet de houx vert et de bruyère en fleur.

Tomorrow at dawn in the hour
when the countryside bleaches,
I will leave.
You see, I know that you await me
I will go by the forest,
I will go by the mountain.

I cannot stay away from you anymore.

I will walk my eyes fixed on my thoughts,
without anything to see on the outside,
Nor hearing any noise,
alone and unknown, my back curved,
hands crossed.
and the day for me
will be like the night.

I will not look at the gold of the evening which falls,
Nor the sailing boats that descend towards Harfleur.
And when I arrive, I will put on your tomb
A green bouquet of houx and heather in bloom.
(from SARA)

Victor Hugo " Les Comtemplations " (1856)

Un peu de nostalgie des années "collèges-lyçées": "demain, dès l'aube" etait (est) mon poéme préféré: court mais intense. Je l'ai appris par coeur à 11 ans, et j'insistais pour le réciter à ma tante, qui ne voulait rien entendre car elle disait que ce poème la rendait trop triste. Et pourtant, j'insistais mordicus pour une raison que j'ignore encore. Les enfants sont parfois cruels...
Pour parfaire le souvenir du collège, voici le commentaire composé (:-) ) corrigé. Les profs de langues sont toujours un peu uniques et laisse des souvenirs assez marquants (+/-) dans la vie des élèves. Hélas, à l'oral de français, ce fut Maupassant et non Hugo ....:(
Heureusement qu'il y avait l'écrit pour sauver les meubles... :)


You are a child of the 80's if .....

1) You randomly start humming the "Pacman" jingle in the morning (or the McGyver jingle if you are younger).
2) there is a betamax videotape of you dancing the "moonwalk".
3) you know what "ANTAFITA" means.
4) You believe that the Google/Microsoft war is nothing compare to the Atari/Commodore battle.
5) You are aware that "stock tampon" was refering to rice and not some bathroom necessities.

6) You know Prince was way much cooler than Michael Jackson. (Yes, there was a time when Michael Jackson was the poster child for "cool"... How the mighty have fallen)

7) You remember each scene of "La Boum" and you agonized more than once over asking your crush for a slow dance when "Dreams are my reality" was played at a party. ( What ever happended to slow dancing ? Someone killed it in a back alley or something ? Let's ask J. Timberlake to "bring slow-dancing back" and I, in turn, will take care of bringing sexy back. Stop laughing, I really could.....)

8) "Dallas" "Chateau-vallon" and "Knight Rider" (K2000 in French) were the original "Sopranos", "Urgences" and "prison break".

9) you know all the Ninja Turtles by name.

10) You used to read "le Point", "Madagascar matin" and "the reader's digest" in the bathroom.

11) You weep because Zico, Socrates, Platini and Tigana never had a chance to play a world cup final. You smile because you remember when Roger Milla still had hair and you are still angry because Germany and Austria conspired to keep Algeria from advancing in the World Cup even though Rabah Madjer scored on a backheel the best Goal of the WC ever.

12) At some point, you had a haircut that makes you want to burn all the pictures of your childhood: The mullet or the Lionel Richie haircut for men, the "coupe a la lionne" or Tina Turner haircut for women. Don't pretend now, you know I am right :)

13) You know the lyrics of Frankie goes to Hollywwod's "Relax", Stephanie de Monaco's "Comme un ouragan" and Patsy's "Imagine"....

14) "too shy, shy......hush, hush..I do,I" (Kajagogo is the name you are looking for) Yep, you went to "Hi-Fi" club in Antaninarenina.

15) A few more, just for fun: "Hello, is it me you are looking for ?"
"Cuz, girls they wanna have fu-un......wanna have fun, girls"
"There comes a time, when we heed a certain call, when the world..."
"En rouge et noir, j'exilerai ma peur,...."
" B-E-2N-Y B, mon nom a moi c'est Benny B" (Oh Boy...)

15) You are still reading this post and now you are wondering where you were when you first heard "Like a virgin", first seen "Rocky" and first break-danced.