
Henin-hardenne / Kiefer: meme combat, same lack of sportsmanship

L'open d'Australie se termine sur une note un peu triste et decevante. Mais tout d'abord, Felicitations a Amelie Mauresmo, ce premier grand chelem est amplement meritee et elle etait certainement la meilleure du lot pendant la quinzaine. Ceci dit, le fait qu'elle est gagnee par forfait rend la victoire un peu aigre-douce. Maintenant, je trouve le comportement de Henin-Hardenne mesquin et manquant totalement de classe. L'avouant a la conference de presse, elle savait qu'elle n'avait aucune chance de revenir dans le match. Je ne mets pas en doute ses douleurs d'estomac et sa combativite hors-norme. Mais a l'inverse d'Agassi, Sampras ou Graf qui ont souvent perdu pour causes de problemes physiques n'ont jamais abandonne, Justinne a manque de respect aux spectateurs et surtout a son adversaire en n'essayant pas de finir le match. Je doute fortement qu'elle aurait risque une blessure en jouant 4 jeux de plus. Elle a avoue plus tard qu'elle pourra sans doute rejouer dans qq jours. Bref, Heureusement que Federer et Baghdatis sont la pour montrer la vrai classe des champions !!!! Bravo Amelie et Courage Marcos !!!!

The blatant lack of sportsmanship exhibited by Henin-Hardenne and Kiefer at the Autralian open is concrete proof that winning is NOT everything. Kiefer won barely against Grosjean after a crucial point in the 5th set went to him although he threw his racquet across the court to distract Grosjean. The ruling was that the racquet did not affect Grsojean as he missed the volley but the point is that Kiefer could have conceited the point after he obviously gave up on the point. He did not and won only to be defeated by Federer later. Henin's competitiveness also got in the way of her dignity as she retired from the final match as she was overwhelmed by Mauresmo's groundstrokes. Thank god for the class of Federer, Agassi, Davenport and Blake to elevate the level of sportsmanship. Hopefully the final will display such character.


Bernard Henri Levy sur l'emission de Stewart's "daily show"

Il fallait absolument que je commente sur une emission entrapercue hier sur le "daily show". Pour remettre les evenements dans leur contexte, le "daily show" est une emission televisee satirique qui mimique le journal televise a la maniere des guignols mais sans les marrionettes. Jon stewart, le producteur et presentateur, commente sur les nouvelles du jour sous un angle assez rafraichissant au vu de l'atmosphere locale aux US. ( critiques sans retenues mais fines de l'influence grandissante de l'eglise dans les affaires d'etat, les derapages de l'administration actuelle....). Il va etre enfin plus reconnu internationalement car il va presenter les oscars en Mars. Son emission contient 15 minutes de presentation d'un livre avec Ques. et Rep. en compagnie de l'auteur. Le livre choisi hier etait "American Vertigo" de notre BHL national BHL ou BHV pour les cyniques, n'est plus a presenter mais voici un rappel au cas ou la nouvelle vague de philosophes des annees 80 remonte a trop longtemps.
Bref, BHL arrive sur le plateau, chemise blanche ouverte ( chaine en or qui brille.....le MIA ! je rigole mais presque) cheveux au vent mais legerement gomines, et fait son show ( normal... Je tiens a preciser que j'avais du respect pour le BHL des annees 80 mais que depuis il n'est plus qu'un clown mediatique ). Jon Stewart part avec un a priori positif et a adore son livre. Helas BHL n'est pas a la hauteur car trop inquiet de paraitre cool: le philosophe francais dans le vent qui vient apprendre aux ricains l'essence de la reflexion. Vraiment dommage car il y avait une opportunitee d'avoir un vrai d'ebats d'idee pour une fois a la tele qui ne soit pas trop laborieux.
A part le danger des grands sermons evangelistes et la suggestion d'inviter Bono sur le show, BHL a ete assez bof mais circonstances attenuantes, certaines nuances de la langue ne passent pas aussi bien en anglais.
On la refera en moins pressee la prochaine fois. Avant d'en finir, voici BHL est la fameuse chemise.


Kofi Annan Swan Song, 0scar season, and memorable movie quotes !!!!

It looks like Kofi Annan 's time at the head of the UN will soon come to an end. Well, although many might disagree ( oil-for-food disaster, his son's legal issue...), I think he did a tremendous under such pressure and scrutiny. He held ground when the US undermined his authority but he always handled himself with class and dignity. Happy Trails Kofi, you did your people proud !!!

It is the academy award season again with its usual fashion statement, cow-boy controversies, political faux-pas and neverending speech (uuuugh).

So without further ado, here are my personal most memorable moments and quotes from the movies: Don't expect any of this to be oscar material though, it's my list with my own inexplicable reasons :-):

My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius: commander of the armies of the North, general of the Felix legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife, and I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.

Are you not entertained? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?! Is this not why you are here?

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill sheaperds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper, and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with GREAT veangence and FURIOUS anger, those who attempt to POISON and DESTROY my brothers, and YOU WILL KNOW MY NAME IS THE LORD, WHEN I LAY MY VENGEANCE UPON THEE!!!

Shawshank Redemption:

Andy Dufresnes....the only man i know who crawled through 500 yards of shit and came out clean on the other side.

I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are better left unsaid. I'd like to think they were singing about something so beautiful it can't expressed in words, and it makes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a grey place dares to dream. It was as if some beautiful bird had flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free.

Sam: The truth is, actually, I'm in love. Daniel: Aren't you a bit young to be in love? Sam: No. Daniel: Ohhh, ok, I, well, I'm a little relieved. Sam: Why? Daniel: Because I thought it would be something worse. Sam: Worse than the total agony of being in love?! Daniel: Umm, no, your right. Total agony.

love that word 'relationship'. Covers all manner of sins, doesn't it? I fear that this has become a bad relationship. A relationship based on the President taking what he wants and casually ignoring all those things that really matter to, erm... Britain. We may be a small country but we're a great one, too. The country of Shakespeare, Churchill, the Beatles, Sean Connery, Harry Potter. David Beckham's right foot. David Beckham's left foot, come to that. And a friend who bullies us is no longer a friend. And since bullies only respond to strength, from now onward, I will be prepared to be much stronger. And the President should be prepared for that.

When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love.

I am Colin. God of Sex. I'm just on the wrong continent, that's all

have a good week, remember , you just might be on the wrong continent !

Le retour de la panthere rose ( Randi ) via Heathrow :-)

Yeah ! La Randi est enfin sortie de sa torpeur ! Apres avoir promis un petit coucou , elle fut portee disparue pendant quelques semaines et resurgit tel "le phenix de ses cendres" a Londres entrain de bachoter sur son examen d'analyse financiere et statisitiques. On le lui pardonnera avec scepticisme, apparement passer ses examens est plus important que le blog hebdomadaire :-) ! Mais avec la sortie prochaine de Kofi Annan, le dynamisme de Angie Merkel , le bebe de Pitt et Angelina et surtout le marriage prochain des cousins, on attend son grain de sel avec impatience:
Voici en avant premiere son programme dans un email qu'elle a envoye de Heathrow Airport ( endroit magique pour tous les amateurs du film "Love Actually" ):

O ry Vilenie, ( ca c’est moi, no comment :-( )

Je suis en plein cours de stats, avec Wifi et tout et tout. EXP12...I m the


> Je suis gonflee a bloc pour aterrir magistralement sur le blog de la famille

> mais je n'ai pas l'adresse...Rocroa...merci d'envoyer le lien, rapidement.

Section : ROOTS (emotionally loaded articles on personal-family history,

roots, impact of education and non education). Coming up on ROOTS (leity e!) (wenitude totale )

> Welcome home, Kivouzeme: my brother's idea of a blog gave me a shelter. On

> discovering the world: a beautiful one, on your own, a beautiful and happy

> one with your broz.

> Honor your parents: On my father's instruction "Be a citizen of the world"

> quite far from "Miteraha ary mamenoa ny tany". Also include an embarrassing

> confession on my inability to go back home (M/car) .

> Section: AMBODIVOANJO, upclose and personal: a special article on those who

> have made our lives so much better: cousins, friends, boyfriends/girlfriends,

> aunts and uncles (puisqu'il a fait ca toute sa vie), Dede, Marie,

> Rajoly, Geline, Emile, and,of course, ZoBertineBienvenue. Put a box with

> special announcements (weddings, births,fiancailles, concubinage, PAX).

> Section : TENY GASY MADIO (a tribute to Mialy's work ;) funny, neat, trivial

> expressions from our native language. Includes Ambodivoanjo expressions such

> as TETEMI (thanks to Zakamanana we know how to properly describe digestion

> troubles).

> Also learn why, although you might have used it a lot, a heavy load is

> mavesatra and not masevatra.

> Mahay mikabary Could my broz send me his draft 100% teny gasy madio speech

> for Lonie's wedding?

> Section: UNDER THE TREE: on these people we have not met but inspire and

> enlighten our path.

> Marc Aurele

> Martha Nussbaum

> Jean Paul Gaultier

> Krishna

> Section: MISSION STATEMENT: on why I am doing this job, why I will continue

> to do this job, and those who have convinced me that I was on the right

> track. Excerpts from professional life, and achievements, and mistakes, and

> erroneous concepts.

> BOn, aok'izay, ry Vilsdu (encore moi) . Alefaso ilay afera

> Napouf ( ca c'est Randi ou encore bijou)

Voila donc son programme, j'ai rajoute les photos et les commentaires en bleu pour decoder sa prose enocre un peu Da Vinciesque pour l'instant. A tout de suite pour le reste dans la langue de Shakespeare.


Que faire a Lafayette en hiver ? Things to do in Lafayette when you are dead ( or a graduate student :-) )

L'un des attraits principaux de Purdue University pour les etudiants motives est sa capacite a ...comment dire reduire les choses a l'essentiel :-). Je ne pense surprendre personne en affirmant que Lafayette ne sera pas nomme capitale culturelle dans un futur proche. Les rares moments d'excitation sont les matchs de foot US le samedi et le bug bowl au primtemps qui attire CNN ( Une foire desorganisee ou le concours du plus long crachat de sauterelles est le clou du spectacle ). Bref, l'environnement est propice a la recherche et au yoga. Pour etre juste, nous avons eu la visite en moins de 2 mois, du ministre des affaires etrangeres Taiwannais ( sa diatribe sur les relations plus que frileuses entre la Chine et Taiwan etait hilarante ), Gen. Wesley Clark candidat aux elections primaires democrates et Spike Lee. Ce n'est donc pas le desert total mais on attend encore la sortie de Hotel Ruanda sur les ecrans. Alors que faire quand la recherche stagne ( Oh maudites cellules qui ne veulent pas me livrer le secret de la cure contre le cancer, la grippe aviaire et la fistule anale; j'ai pourtant essaye a la lettre toutes les formes de coercions et torture dans le manuel de savoir vivre de la CIA :-) ) ?
La reponse est assez facile: on sort de Lafayette et on s'aventure ( youhou !!! ) dans l'hiver blanc qui nous entoure. L'annee derniere fut tres drole notamment avec une sortie sur les pistes neigeuses du Michigan avec le skieur devant l'eternel qu'est Cedric et maryline qui prefere quand meme les plages de la republique Dominicaine :-). Ils auraient surtout prefere faire chambre a part car le ski m'avait tellement vide que j'ai ronfle comme un sonneur de cloches toute la nuit. J'ai oublie de mentionner que le ski n'etait pas le sport national malgache mais vous l'aviez devine. Voici l'illustration en photos: ( avant les chutes a repetitions bien sur )

Evidemment, I-mei et moi croyions ferme que le seul moyen de ne pas prendre de la vitesse sur une pente etait encore de se laisser tomber sur les fesses en esperant que la neige amortira la chute. Chacun sa technique, on se sentait bien comme Clavier au criterium des Anesthesites.... Nous ne sommes pas revenus car il ne faut pas tenter le diable non plus.

Ou alors on part pour une viree a NY. Yes !!!! Rien de tres excitant au depart mais apres 1 an ferme dans fermierland, NY c'est presque le paradis ( les taxis meurtriers, les sirenes incessantes et le sandwich a $ 10 ).

Bon je vais revenir a mes hepatocytes mysterieux qui refusent de livrer le secret mais en divulgent suffisament pour me faire revenir tous les jours a genoux. Heuresement qu'il y a le blog.

Pics: yes, that is Denzel " I am the police ! King Kong got nothing on me !" Washington on Broadway at the exit of the musical Caesar. We literally stumble upon him as we got lost on our way to Balthazar ( incredibly good eats in Soho) then we got drunk together at 40/40 where he revealed to us that he used a toothpick to pierce his thigh in order to make himself cry during that griping whipping scene in "Glory ". There is a slight possibility that I made up that last sentence. Still, Denzel rules !!!!! ( except for his support of both the NY Yankees and the LA Lakers... Yuck ! That is the equivalent of supporting Kevin Federline AND Ashley Simpson singing careers for sports fan: you could do worse but you would have to really try.


Karmic justice at the Aussie open and Brain has a sex ???

I am in need of some serious therapy time for many reasons so I will blog till I drop just in time before the week-end starts.
Let's recap, I mention earlier that I entered a contest about predicting the results of the Australian Open in tennis (link is on the right). The premise of the contest wa simple: pick a winner everyday from the men side and the women side but beware that one you pick that player, you cannot use her/him anymore for the rest of the tournament. About a 100 people got in and the tournament started. I was doing fine, still alive after day 5 in both tournaments when only 19 contestants were still alive. I was feeling giddy so I tought I would be smart and make safe picks from now on ( my earlier pick were studs such as Bedrych or Schiavone .. what is it with men and gambling anyway ???? more on that later ). Well I struggled with my picks and went against my gut feeling by picking Gaudio against Santoro and Serena instead of my original pick Ruano Pascal. Here is my reaction on the forum after the results:

Men tournament
I seriously need a drink. I picked a player I did not care for (Gaudio) to beat the player I enjoy the most ( Santoro) and ...lost !!!!!! ARGHHHHHH !!!! That is karmic justice at its best. Thank you suicide poll for lasting trauma filled with secong guessing and betrayal.... as intro to this game, I could have used a less agonizing exit. Well it was fun anyway, good luck to the rest of the field

Women's tournament
Unbelievable !!!!! I just learned that I am also out of the women pool. I first picked Ruano Pascal and chicken out at the last minute to beg Moose to let me pick Serena instead. Of course, Ruano Pascal is in, Serena out. I would not be surprised to see Santoro and Pascal paling mixte double with matching shirts that say: "LRAK, YOU SUCK"
I will now take a warm bath in a radioactive HCL filled bathtub !!!!!!

O rage, O Despair, O vieillesse ennemie

I realize two things: 1) I need to reevaluate my priorities in life if I feel so strongly about a stupid tennis guessing tournament. 2) I doubt I would even play this game if I were a woman.
I then learned from this pychological test that the brain has a gender and decide to test whether there is a match btw my brain gender and my social gender :-).
Well, turns out gambling is a predominant male thing to do ( big surprise there ! )

More on the gender differences with: the men's rule that women should know ( from funny2.com)

Women, learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.
Birthdays, Valentines, and Anniversaries are not considered by us to be opportunities to see if we can find the perfect present . . . . again!
Sometimes we are not thinking about you. Live with it.
Sunday = sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.
Ask for what you want. Subtle hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints do not work! Just say it!
We don't remember dates. . . .Period!!
Most guys own three pairs of shoes - tops. What makes you think we'd be any good at choosing which pair, out of thirty, would look good with your dress?
Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.
Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.
Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.
If you won't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't expect us to act like soap opera guys.
If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.
Let us ogle. We are going to look anyway; it's genetic.
You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself.
Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
Christopher Columbus did not need directions, and neither do we.
The relationship is never going to be like it was the first two months we were going out. Get over it. And quit whining to your girlfriends.
ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit. We have no idea what mauve is.
If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.
Thank you for reading this; Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight, but did you know, it's like camping.

I love the part about sleeping on the couch :-) Again, I did not write those rules

To send you off on a good note for the week-end, here is a joke that kept me laughing as I was falling asleep :

A patient says, "Doctor, last night I made a Freudian slip. I was having dinner with my mother-in-law and wanted to say: 'Could you please pass the butter?' But instead I said: 'You silly cow, you have completely ruined my life.'"

Have a great week-end


Facing our own biases when it comes to race and culture

This is a subject I have been thinking about discussing for a while but I could not find the right wording or organize my thoughts appropriately so I put it away until now. I think since this is just a blog (read by a grand total of ~ 200 people since it started), it basically won't affect the rotation of the earth too much and I will just get over myself and state my thoughts as they come. ( oooops, watch out for bombs and inadvertent insults :-) )

The premise of my humble opinion on the matter of racial and cultural prejudices is that we are all guilty of having some. ( Yep, from Dr. ML King to Eugene Terreblanche and of course your very own blogger... me :-). Don't laugh, you are just as prejudiced as me ). It has been argumented that if one child were to be born in a household with people of all races, the likelihood of that child to grow with racial prejudice is close to null. Well, I believe that is bogus on several levels: 1) I believe that child would still have an formed an early opinion on which group of people he is more comfortable with or likes or admires, it might just not be as easily to identify as expected. 2) this environment is also so unlikely to happen, it is irrelevant to the reality of today's world. (except for hte B.Pitt/A. Jolie family who would make for a great social study and a movie of its own .....but I digress.) [I wan to point out that at the age of 3, I was scared to death of a picture of Louis Armstrong, saying he was too black...:-) obviously not very aware of the fact that I had the exact same skin color :-) anyway, opinions and fears are shaped early and my parents had a good laugh about it and a slight embarassement, I imagine. ]

We, as humans and biolgical creatures, like ( strike that,...) NEED to form an early opinion on our fellow humans because we need a blueprint on how to interact and deal with that fellow human. The uncertainty of the other's behavior or plan of action is too much to handle, therefore we reach back into our own short experience and decide : "well, he looks like that other fellow form before therefore there is a high chance he will act similary". That is the definition of biais, prejudice, racism or bigotry whatever you want to call it. It doesn't strike me as something too harmful though. However it becomes a nuisance when: 1) we are not aware of it or do not want to face it 2) when we do not push the reflection beyond it and let it govern our decision 3) when it is at the level of a community interacting with another community.

However, It is pathetic when someone or a group of people is denied an opportunity for a job, a house or a conversation on the bases of the shallow knowledge we possess of the ethnicity or culture in question. This quick-hit evaluation is often devastating for the person and a major strain on a community.
Now I invite you to the fun game of stereotypes and other common idiotic perceptions. Fell free to add your own list for your favorite people and be ready to receive hate mails and other threats. 
( Keep in mind that the purpose of such list is to emphasize the stupidity of it so …fire away !!!! )

I will start at home: 1) Malagasy folks: "too laid back, country of the moramora ( slow life) , never fight for anything, still live in trees" ( that last statements would be funnier if the classmate who said it was not dead serious I will let it slide because he was 15)
2) Indian folks: " present everywhere in the world, high IQ, will bargain the price down to the cents and below, steal jobs from westerners by getting paid 50 cents on the dollar,..." ( those remarks always make Ranjit, my roommate, laugh...some of those lines are his actually :-) )
3) Black folks: " opiniated, very athletic, rythmn in the blood, powerful vocal chords, prone to confrontation but less prone to solve equations" ( my roommate at Tulane had the worst singing voice in the shower ever, EVER…(oh the humanity !) and he is know on a scholarship to do research in mathematics at Oxford )
4) US of A. folks :" proud, bottom-line driven, ,bullish and love their football” ( that until one of them told me that the only football he cared about is soccer…)
5) French Folk: " savoir-vivre, go on strike often, has flair, existentialist, confrontational but tend to surrender easy in armed battle. ( I wonder how the folk of the resistance think of all this nonsense) .
6) German folks: " disciplined, strong-willed, cold , great car engineers but lack of esthetic flair” ( one word: Claudia and Heidi ....and Gretchen .... that's 3 words actually )
7) chinese folks: " meticulous, smart, foxy, shy, isolated in their community….” ( 100% bogus: trust me , I know from personal experience :-) )
8) Arab folks: “hot-blooded, proselytic about islam, hate western culture” (This is much more idiotic after you listen to my classmate Khalid elaborate on how Beckham could run for mayor in his hometown and get 99% of votes ).
I am waiting anxiously for your own stereotypes and let’s all throw them in the bonfire for narrow-mindedness and lame jokes.

After all, this is all we can do about our almost innate stereotypes and primal fears: face them, accept them and laugh at them. We often fight phobia by plunging ourselves in the very situation we are frightened of ( in my case it precludes visit to the snake pit in every zoo I attend). In a similar fashion, unclouding our judgment of our primary biases necessitates that we indentify them, aknowledge them and understand where they come from. If you are blessed with the absence of preconceived ideas about one's culture and ethnicity, you should consider yourself very fortunate and discard all the nonsense I have written. It may help you understand what most of us have to struggle with to attain objectivity.
Chuck Klosterman is much more articulate and entertaining about this subject, he is also very in tune with contemporary pop culture ( he can explain perfectly why Nirvana is more relevant than Pearl Jam only because of Cobain’s death ) so grab his book if you have time. ( Sorry for the basketball related content of the article , this is again a product of my own bias ).

have a great week !!!!


" la vie en NOT SO rose "in St-martin and women in charge

I have been talking up the good weather and overall quality of life in the French west indies. One person, my dad, always thought that this idea was a bit misguided and not totally accurate. He would know better, seeing the problems on a daily basis from the perspective of the ER. He is pretty good at keeping an upbeat attitude because it doesn't matter whether you are in the sunshine or in the cold, if you deal with this everyday:
So my dad is cautious of potential problens out there. Yet, after 5 years, he does not slow down when it comes to the caring of people in desperate situations. Plus the working conditions are not that pristine. The thing is, caring for people happens at every level. You can start a charity with billions dollars , you can volunteer to the peace corps or give bread to your less fortunate neighboors, either way caring is an attitude, a way of life to be carried on your sleeves.
The point is, one has a moral obligation to look beyond our own self-centered issues from time to time. That is the only reason our lives matters on the greater scheme of things.

Ok, I will now get my head out of my own pedant, self-righteous ass and just tell my dad that I understand why he is so cautious of describing St-Martin as "paradise on earth", it is also home for tragic memories for a whole lot people.

It is also to be noted that there probably will be two elected female presidents within the last 3 months: Liberia's Johnson-Sirleaf and Chile's Bachelet.
So as reading of the week goes, here is Mrs Bachelet's take on fair trade and globalisation.

See you next week :-)

citoyen du monde, bourlingueurs et ma soeur a la manette!!!

Salut !!!!

Un dimanche superbe a lafayette, Indiana :-) On avait predit 6 cm de neige mais il fait 10 C dehors et un soleil d'ete. Apparement, c'est assez courant ( ete indien dans l'indiana) !!!
J'ai eu le plaisir de recevoir des nouvelles d'une amie chere qui est a La Reunion en ce moment. Cecile ( c'est son nom) , Barbara, Junior et moi avions fait les 400 coups a la Nouvelle-Orleans
de 98 a 00. (J'essaye de retrouver les photos mais sans succes pour l'instant). Cecile est lyonnaise de coeur, Barbara est autrichienne et Junior est de la RDC mais a grandi a Miami. On s'amusait bien dans Bourbon St, peu importe la musique ( souvent hip-hop, mais aussi country et Jazz) ou la tendance ( La 1/2 Sud-est de bourbon st est gay et fiere de l'etre, Yeah !!!!! ). Junior est maintenant a Miami et s'occupe des enfants dans les familles difficiles, tout en faisant un master en psychologie. Barbara est mariee avec deux enfants a qq km de Vienne et Cecile apres avoir passe l'agreg a Lyon, a enseignee en Martinique puis maintenant La Reunion. Je vous resitue le contexte car il est assez clair que Cecile a vu du pays, rencontre des gens de mille cultures (a commencer par ces amis de N-O) et a decide de prendre une annee sabattique pour parcourir l'Afrique a velo avec son partenaire de coeur. Leur projet, bien qu'un tout petit peu inquietant, est admirable et pourtant pas vraiment inattendue si on connait la mentalite et l'ouverture d'esprit de Cecile et son ami. Cecile ne sait pas que je viens de devoiler sa vie et ses idees au monde entier , alors ne lui dites pas si vous la connaissez. :-) Sinon, j'espere qu'elle me pardonnera, et la distance entre Lafayette et La reunion est suffisante pour me donner le temps de changer de nom et d'adresse :-)
C'est pour cela que je voudrais vous inciter a lire un article qu'elle a ecrite sur la citoyennete et l'apatride. Une invitation a la reflexion sur ce qui nous definit et la notion de citoyen du monde. Je differe legerement sur certains arguments mais l'important reside dans la discussion qui en resulte, specialement dans le contexte de la tension sociale actuelle en France, Australie, US et j'en passe. Cecile ne sait pas que je viens de devoiler sa vie et ses idees au monde entier , alors ne lui dites pas si vous la connaissez. :-) Sinon, j'espere qu'elle me pardonnera, et la distance entre Lafayette et La reunion est suffisante pour me donner le temps de changer de nom et d'adresse :-). Plus serieusement, c'est un sujet qui me tient a coeur et sur lequel je vais certaiment revenir.
Mais j'espere que ma soeur va elaborer plus amplement sur ce sujet avant moi. Eh oui ! Ma soeur va bientot nous gratifier de ses mots ( sa prose dirait le bourgeois gentilhomme) et objectivement, elle ecrit et illustre mille fois mieux que je ne pourrais le faire sur ce qui nous definit en tant qu'etre humain. Alors un petit lamako ( applaudissement cadence malgache ou hip hip hip hourah) comme il se doit pour la soeurette de Tunis, Je suis vraiment tres enthousiaste a l'idee de lire son premier chapitre. Bon je crois que je lui ai mis assez la pression :-). Petite photo d'intro de votre nouvelle Carrie Bradshaw sur ce blog :-)


the digital world: can I panic now ? Trouver tout et rien sur le web

Hello my precious !!!! It's been a while since I posted here but it has been a busy week ( or I am just lazy , you choose ). Update on the family: the rakotos have all gone their own ways back to where they came from ( Toulouse/Addis, Tunis and Lafayette ) and leave St-Martin and the patriarchal figure all by his lonesomeself :-(. ( I am poor lonesome cow-boy.... ) Oh well, I can surel think of a couple things more agreeable to do than leave behind Marigot's scenery and the family split but this is how it is and the family has gotten used to be at the 4 corners of the world. Moreover, someone need to punch me in the face for complaining after spending a week on the beach :-) So I will quit whining now but before I let go of the subject here is an exercise in compare and contrast:

Now you understand my point. ( Although we had a great ol' time at Chicago's Xmas market: hot wine, crepes and .....-10 degrees Brrrrrr ! on the left, St Vincent, enough said ).

OK , on to the rant of the day: My roomate and I had a little episode of trying to pull out a spare tire that would just not come out .... ( no wise comments please ) Anyway, we went on all the possible "How to" website available and still came out empty. I forgot to mention that my roomate is the most hi tech savvy person I know since my days in New-Orleans. This got me thinking of how helpful and yet intimidating the digital word is nowdays. My parents come to mind at this point. They really are trying to keep up with all the new stuff but it is daunting task. I personally don't consider myself computer literate enough but I am still miles ahead of them ( sorry pop and mum ).
The truth is, we only learn what we need-to-know so until the opportunity or the task are in front of us...well ignorance is bliss..;-). The problem is , it might be too late to catch up when the need is overwhelming. So they both are trying the hardest in their own way: my dad bought all sorts of gizmos to force himself into learning and my mother surrounds herself with people who can get her out a jam :-). I think it is remarkable and quite endearing to see them trying to entangle themself from all the mess.
So keep on trying, my dear folks because it is a learning-by- doing world after all.

On va essayer de la refaire en francais :-) car le papou s'est senti un peu ostracise par l'utilisation de l'anglais en permanence. Je me suis aussi permis quelques vannes a son insu alors voila une raison de plus pour sortir le dico, O pere (.... illeux) ! Je commentais sur l'effort louable des parents de se lancer dans le monde du digital. Et pour suivre l'adage prefere de ma mere, la conclusion etait: " Apprendre en se faisant" ou encore: "faire et tout en se faisant, se faire et n'etre que ce qu'on s'est fait " Le signification precise de cette phrase m'echappe un peu parfois mais ma foi, je ne pense pas etre trop loin de la cible en traduisant: " Secoue toi et quand tu te lasses, secoue toi deux fois plus !!!! " En malgache cela a donne la phrase inoubliable de mon cousin Daody: " I Tatie Monie forcing foana " !!!!! ( Je pense que la langue magache est san doute l'une des plus parlantes au monde ). Je diverge totalement... Ah oui voici la famille du cousin Daody en photos:

Beau bebe le Kevin :-) A propos de Daody et de technologie, je ne sais tjrs pas envoyer de SMS, alors Daody et autres cousins, ne m'en veuillez pas de ne pas repondre !!!!!
A bientot sur le monde virtuel :-) Je vais aller m'atteler a des choses moins virtuelles comme une bonne entrecote Ha !
PS: sites web interessants du jour:


Worthy causes (and a serious biais on my part :-) )

I have been rambling on and on about what is wrong with the state of the world . I admit I have been all talk and no action. Well, here is a start albeit a small one. Below are a few websites that try to address and rectify some of the wrongs of the world. It is an eclectic list but bare with me , I did not want to leave anything out .

Fair trade ( Chris Martin's cause).
data.org ( you know I was going there, so sue me :-) )
making motherhood safer ( shamelessplug to pompile 's work: 1st take)
environment (yep, respect for human life starts with respect for life period)
land mines: A great post by fellow blogger Montgomery from Alabama also address the issue. Thousand of other blogs actually do as well but I read his post ....

You know what ? I am leaving out so many worthy causes and worthy organizations (from other part of the world) that I will stop here for today.
However, My shameless plug into my mother's work is not finished quite yet :-). The picture on the right under my profile is actually hers. A click on the image will take you to an article about her work and her fight for women's rights in developping countries. I promise that is the end of the familial promotion but if you can look past my own biais, you will see that there is good work being done there. Another way to find out more is at www.unfpa.org.

Have a great week everyone and let's not be completely indifferent to the pain of our fellow humans.

PS: on a much lighter note, Jon Stewart is hosting the Oscars. Yeah !!!! I could not possibly make a post solely about my own guilt trip from my lack of involvment in social causes. So looking forward to a good laugh from Stewart's wit. Keep it classy Jon ! Plus there is an outside chance that brokeback mountain wins a few oscars and pushes ahead tolerance for love of all kind, shape and form. Gee, I must be in a social conscious mood today :-) I need a beer or something :-)


Marriage de Loni, arbre genealogique, famille en terre sudafricaine et l'intuition feminine revisitee

Felicitations les plus chaleureuses a Loni, mon cousin et partenaire dans la lecon de tennis infligee aux jeunes de l'ACSA. ( je rigole ..) qui se marrie en Avril. Bien joue et grosses bises a la future Mrs Rarivoson.

Apres avoir converse avec mon oncle gozy ( qui ne veut pas que je l'appelle tonton donc ca sera gozy mine tulipation :-) ) Il m'a envoye le fichier de l'arbre genealogique de la famille en entier. Merci Gogozy !!!
La cousine Malaika est en ce moment en Afrique du Sud et gere un blog extrement drole et bien fait sur son sejour en terre des lions. A lire absolument !!!!!

Dans la rubrique livre a lire voici la recommendation du jour : j'essayerai d'en donner une de temps en temps si ca genere un interet minimum :-). Le livre s'appelle "BLINK" de Malcom Mcdowell et il argumente que nos premieres intuitions sur un sujet quelconque est souvent justifie et qu'il ne faut pas le mettre de cote comme etant prejuges infondees. En tres bref, il explique que notre cerveau est capable d'integrer un grand nombre d'information en qq minutes et d'en extraire la subtantifique moelle ( comme dirait le pater) bien avant que notre cerveau conscient en soit ..... conscient :-). Cette capacite a decide rapidement est essentielle dans certaines situations evidentes et est appelle "thin-slicing" par McDowell. Bref, faites confiance a votre instinct meme si il est loin d'etre infaillible. Ceci n'est pas une excuse pour ne pas se soummettre a une reflexion approfondie d'une question mais d'eviter de sourire quand qq vous lance: "je ne sais pas pourquoi mais je ne le sens pas :-) "


Radaody history

Je vous avais parle du travail impressionant que mon oncle Karl a realise pour faire l'arbre genealogique de la famille. Voici une petite partie:


Things I think I dig ( P. King style)

1. KVZ ( for initiated only :-) )
2. Mandela: person of last century
3. U2 /Bono: making great music matters
4. Federer: excellence and class ( hair has to go though)
5. New-Orleans: most original city of US : it WILL bounce back.
6. Steve Nash: everything I hope a person and an athlete would be.
7. Mark Cuban's blog. Original maverick, argues everything ( hair also has to go)
8. The Gates: not as fun as Cuban , more relevant.
9. Jon Stewart for restoring my faith in America.
10. Norah Jones/Amos Lee: beautiful melody, great voices
11. cafe mocha, no whipped cream
12. Jessica Alba: nuff said
13. Phoenix Suns, Indy Colts and Arsenal: anything about sports actually.
14. Angelina Jolie: no whining here about the Anniston situation, prime humanitarian is what counts. ( great look doesn't hurt).
15. Syriana, Munich, Hotel Rwanda , Love actually ( I know): movies that matter.
16. Mahaleo and Rossy : someone will find out someday that their pure melodies could be potential global hits.
17. Noam Chomsky
18. San Fransisco, Addis-Abeba, Toulouse, London and St Martin.
19. Bill Simmons
20. Clooney/Damon. Bacri/ Bourdon. Don't ask
21. Good will Hunting and Shawshank Redemption.
22. Wedding Crashers, Kung Fu Hustle, Old school, Harlem Nights ( sometimes a belly laugh is all you need )
23 Not having a list of thing I don't like :-)

special someone

OK, I know things in life are bound to change, people move and go different routes. However when a good thing comes along such as a satisfying relationship or deep understading of someone else, one has to embrace it to the fullest; one has to not be naive or scared of what might be or happen, enjoy all the little things or idiosyncrasies of the interaction between two people. The good things but also and mostly the not so good things. OK I will stop babbling but here to this lady who is very dear to my heart.

more family stuff

I will be switching my "language of blog" back and forth between french and english and maybe even malagasy :-) ( This is not a slight against the malagasy language but against my expertise or lack thereof ). I will give malagasy blogging a try at some point but in the meantime I will study some more. Here are more pics from my family:

Seheno (cheyenne) with my mum's dog, Dick. Stephane (goumi) at his mother's b-day bash serving bubbles :-) I just learn that Stephane is the saxon equivalent of Etienne in French which is my grandpa 's first name. There I am glad we settle that :-) Stephane's dad is working on an extensive family tree that goes back to the origin of the Malagasy nation. When the website is up, I will link it right here. In the meantime here is a little something about our history

les cousins de par le monde

Yeeepee, voila les cousins ou plutot 15%. On va y aller doucement pour les intros car rien ne presse. Moramora n'est ce pas ? Alors en haut a droite, Rija et Sandy (Paris) puis Mirana et Vola (Toulouse) et Domoina ( Tana) et Rija. On a fait les 400 coups et plus ensemble et c'est pas sur que l'on est fini. Les photos pour le reste de la troupe, ca arrive mais il faut que je mette de l'ordre dans mon foutoir. A croire qu'il a des choses qui ne changeront jamais. :-)

Lafayette 2 suite : ma copine et mes amis hors labo

Suite des presentations: Petra (South Africa ) I-mei ( c'est elle qui souffre 1000 maux de m'avoir comme boyfriend ceux sont ces mots pas les miens )et Barbel ( Allemagne ou le doc) (photo prise sur l'empire state building). Chinmay (Inde) Chanakha (Sri Lanka et Tulane U) :-). Bien sur mon roomate Ranjit ( pas de photo car vous l'avez deja croise sur le Boonga blog). Il y a aussi Hibret, le rastafari ethiopien ( il a le crane rase mais rasta dans l'ame :-) ) mais je n'ai pas de photo helas . prochain blog les cousins

Lafayette 2 le retour: pas de politique cette fois :-)

J'ai passe un bon bout de temps a deblaterer sur ma vie ici dans le midwest americain et une diatribe sur la politique locale. Je crois que du coup mon peti blog est surveille par mes amis de l'administration US. :-) J'ai poste un lien sur les visiteurs de ce blog qui s'appelle visiteur du monde entier ( merci a tous ce qui ont lu ma prose merdique ) et j'ai un lecteur assidu en Virginnie ,fief de la CIA Youpi !!!! :-). Je rigole car c'est sans doute un surfeur comme moi qui s'interesse a tout et n'importe quoi. Bref, je voulais surtout parler de ma vie ici a part les toutous ( Ginga et Booboo), il y a aussi des etres humains :-) ici et je suis bien content de les connaitre. Alors petite photo rapide:

oooops non ca c'est encore les clebards. Voici mes collegues du lab: Cedric ( mon partenaire de tennis et qui va bientot etre un heureux papa) Maryline, bientot heureuse maman ( ce n'est pas une coincidence :-) ) Chia-yi (Taiwan) , Chutamas (Thailande) moi et Wen-Horng ( basketball partenaire et mon mentor au labo, il s'y connait un brin en biologie moleculaire ).

Ma famille et mes amis : intro

J'aurai sans doute du commencer par ceci mais voila l'avantage et le desavantage du blog... on ecrit comme ca vient :-).
J'ai une famille qui est assez proche selon les dires des autres et je serai assez d'accord ( en toute objectivite ) certains diraient meme trop proches :-). Alors comme une image vaut 1000 mots voici ma famille: sur la gauche ma mere (pompile), ma soeur (bijou), mon pere (naps) et ma marraine et tante ( chevreton). La photo est prise en allemagne chez mon oncle Karl et ma tante Boza. J'aimerai vous presenter toute ma famille mais etant donne que j'ai 32 oncles et tantes et le double de cousins et cousines, ca prendrait un peu de temps. Et je sais que ca peut faire sourire mais je pense etre tres proche et tres attache a chacun d'eux. Je ferai les presnetation necessaires avec chaque personnage avec chaque nouveau blog :-) Ah la famille nombreuse malgache, c'est quelque chose :-0


happy 2006

Hey, I am back from Saint Martin ready to kick off 2006.
Saint Martin was a blast as usual but seeing my my family in great spirit and great shape was the best thing about being there.
New link today beside the updated pictures on the left; The doggies own blog, managed by my roomate Ranjit; Booboo and Ginga: best doggies in the world: it's not negotiable. Awesome blog roomie :-).